Where is the US economy headed?

Reply Mon 13 Sep, 2010 09:03 pm
okie, until you develop some character, you have no right to say anything about anyone else. Why should I apologize for telling the truth?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 13 Sep, 2010 09:06 pm
Oh, so they're upset because I said, in response to what has brewer done to offend me that she hasn't committed suicide yet. Who would have thought that?

That is not a call for her to commit suicide. It is a statement that brewer hasn't done it.

In honor based societies throughout history, a person behaving with brewer's disregard for the law would be asked to do the honorable thing, which would be to commit suicide.

0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 13 Sep, 2010 09:32 pm
I'd like to add this little tidbit to this forum. I'm sure many of you have heard of the gas pipe breaking in San Bruno that caused great damage to many homes in the area. That kind of gas pipes are installed in thousands of locations across our country ready for death and mayhem to spout its ugly head.

The Obama administration should invest billions into replacing these old pipes with safe ones as part of his stimulus plan. It will put people to work, and make our homes safer in our own country. That seems like a no-brainer to keep security at home; that's more important than fighting wars in foreign countries.

Reply Mon 13 Sep, 2010 09:44 pm
Well, you could say whichever of those same things about me and what would it matter? You are a man who uses a fake name who represents himself with a picture of a monkey. I always look for wisdom when someone represents himself with a picture of a monkey.

I don't know if you have caught on yet but nothing posted here has any application in the real world or any meaning. This is a past time. It is somewhat akin to playing mumbly-peg . . . whatever that was.

Now that I know my saying brewer hasn't committed suicide yet upset okie . . . who must be a tight rope walker as he is among the most easily upset people on the planet . . . I will tell you how that expression originated.

When I was in college during the 1960s, I worked at the Henry Ford Museum.
Another of the college guides, as we were called, was one of the dumbest women in the state but she had a knack for putting together visiting single men with the college guides, who were all female. Except she couldn't count, because there was always one girl more than needed. That girl was always her. Even at 18, she looked like Barbara Bush . . . tall and fat with pale blonde hair.

Anyway, some guys from Burroughs were in Detroit to be trained. This girl sniffed out that they were single and she suggested she could fix them up. I know she sounds a bit like a madame, but, she wasn't.

I was on welcoming duty with her and the guys wanted me to be part of the outing. One of them, who stood as tall as I am (5' 3") and who was less than 30 and bald as an egg, took a shine to me. His name was Byron.

So, we all piled into someone's car that evening. These guys had no idea where to go. They had had dinner and they didn't want to see a movie. Byron was already trying to kiss me. Ugh! I asked everyone what they enjoyed doing. Byron answered listening to jazz. So, I directed them to Baker's Keyboard Lounge. The act that night was Roland Kirk and he was wonderful.

Everyone but me hated the entertainment part. When we got back to the car after one set, Byron said icily that he liked George Shearing.

Unfortunately, Roland Kirk did not extinguish his flame and resumed trying to kiss me.

That was Friday night. We were to go to a party at their residential hotel the next night but I said I wouldn't come. The girls who weren't working went out to buy their first black dresses. Puh-leeze. They also made the mistake of talking to Byron who said if I wouldn't come, the party was off. The girls begged me. I said no. They called Byron who said that he done nothing to offend me. I said that he hadn't committed suicide yet.

About once every four
Reply Mon 13 Sep, 2010 09:46 pm
What is it about the Constitution that makes it difficult for "How are judges supposed to rule on issues involving contemporary technology."

Instead of rehashing what was said, why don't you read your part of the question and figure out what was wrong with it? It would be a milestone for you if you would and could do that.
Reply Mon 13 Sep, 2010 09:49 pm
Pox on your houses would be misinterpreted by both ican and okie who have a dim memory of the word pax meaning peace. They would be insulted by the expression because, to them, it is a hippie expression as in, "Peace and Love," that only leftist liberals would use.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 13 Sep, 2010 09:54 pm
@cicerone imposter,
The Republicans don't believe in maintenance on the infra-structure as repairs increase the national debt.
Reply Mon 13 Sep, 2010 09:59 pm
hmmm . . . my reply was cut short.

ABout once every four or five years, I get to use the "s/he hasn't committed suicide yet" line. It generally gets a laugh or a finger wag. This is the first time anyone voiced upset. Usually, the party I am with is just as upset with the person referred to as I am.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 13 Sep, 2010 10:30 pm
Ah, everyone of my posts was voted down! YEah! BTW, I voted up Rockhead's and CI's and Parados' posts. I should check to see of okie and his sock puppets went through marking them down!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 14 Sep, 2010 09:16 am
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

I'd like to add this little tidbit to this forum. I'm sure many of you have heard of the gas pipe breaking in San Bruno that caused great damage to many homes in the area. That kind of gas pipes are installed in thousands of locations across our country ready for death and mayhem to spout its ugly head.

The Obama administration should invest billions into replacing these old pipes with safe ones as part of his stimulus plan. It will put people to work, and make our homes safer in our own country. That seems like a no-brainer to keep security at home; that's more important than fighting wars in foreign countries.

And in fact, they have proposed an infrastructure bill to do exactly this - fix roads, pipes and bridges which desperately need it.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 14 Sep, 2010 11:34 am
parados wrote:
It's clear okie that you have no decency or honesty. You are too busy trying to destroy the country with your partisan bull **** to care about it.

Okie has far more decency and honesty than any Leftist Liberal. Okie is working to rescue our country from the "partisan bull **** " exhibited by Leftist Liberals including your "partisan bull ****."

Your behavior continues to be mindlessly congruent with what Saul Alinsky said and wrote.

Saul Alinsky said and wrote:
->The radical is not a reformer of the system but its would-be destroyer;
->The revolutionary’s purpose is to undermine the system;
->The radical is building his own kingdom, a kingdom of heaven on earth;
->The radical underrmines the system by taking from the haves and giving it to the have nots;
->The most basic principle for radicals is lie to opponents;
->The issue is never the issue;
->The issue is always the revolution;
->The radical organizer does not have a fixed truth—truth to him is relative and changing;
->The stated cause is never the real cause, but only an occasion to advance the real cause;
->The real cause is the accumulation of power to make the revolution.

Reply Tue 14 Sep, 2010 11:51 am
plainoldme wrote:
Instead of rehashing what was said, why don't you read your part of the question and figure out what was wrong with it? It would be a milestone for you if you would and could do that.

It would be a milestone for you if you were to figure out what is wrong with your maligning accusations, and stop making them.

Perhaps you, a Leftist Liberal, who repeatedly maligns those with whom you disagree, do not like making rational responses, because you do not know why you believe what you say you believe. OR, perhaps because you do not actually believe what you say you believe, you know you cannot intelligently defend it!
Reply Tue 14 Sep, 2010 11:54 am
It is your repeated nonsense you keep on posting that tries the patience of most people.
Reply Tue 14 Sep, 2010 02:33 pm
That is exactly what the Republican leadership said in response to Obama's proposal to improve infrastructure.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 14 Sep, 2010 02:35 pm
okie has no decency. He condemns things he is unfamiliar with. He lies. He denies his own words when they presented to him. He calls name. He is an effeminate little git.
Reply Tue 14 Sep, 2010 02:37 pm
Sugar, back on abuzz, many lefties tallied what the righties said: rightie insults ran 8 to 1 leftie.

You insult me once on line and I will never forgive you.

Besides, I have to protect this country from people like you who are tools of the right wingnuts, spouting their lies for them.

Reply Tue 14 Sep, 2010 04:21 pm
plainoldme wrote:

okie has no decency. He condemns things he is unfamiliar with. He lies. He denies his own words when they presented to him. He calls name. He is an effeminate little git.

This from a woman that implies the governor of Arizona should commit suicide. This is sad, this woman is sad, and hopefully does not represent much of humanity. It would be a blessing to A2K if everyone, including her fellow liberals, would roundly condemn her constant insults and indecencies here. But I have yet to see one fellow lib of hers even condemn the suicide statement yet, so I have little hope in that regard. One thing for sure, my opinion of liberals was fairly negative, but it is going even lower if not one lousy single one bothers to condemn this woman for her obvious nonsensical insults here on this forum.
Reply Tue 14 Sep, 2010 04:23 pm
plainoldme wrote:

Sugar, back on abuzz, many lefties tallied what the righties said: rightie insults ran 8 to 1 leftie.

Of course lefties are going to count it that way, especially when any disagreement with a leftie is considered an insult to them.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 14 Sep, 2010 04:30 pm
plainoldme wrote:

okie has no decency. He condemns things he is unfamiliar with. He lies. He denies his own words when they presented to him. He calls name. He is an effeminate little git.

All lies, except the only thing that parados found in all of his accusations that I at one time doubted was that I had openly called for Obama's impeachment. He found where I did make that statement one time, which I had forgotten, and I did apologize to parados for that. Of course he ignores my posts wherein I expressed to ican that the Repubs would be better off concentrating on winning this next election, thus able to reduce Obama's ability to legislate, then sweeping him out of office 2 years from now in the next presidential election. And parados has not produced to my knowledge any evidence for any of his other allegations about what I have said. He keeps trying to make the case that since I have made many statements about Obama having hangups and resentments toward aspects of America and that he doesn't love America as others do, he tries to make the case that I therefore said that Obama hated America. I have tried to have a civil discussion and explain to him why that translation is not exactly appropriate, but to no avail, parados is determined to have it his way and try to distort the meanings of what I have said.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 14 Sep, 2010 04:36 pm
talk72000 wrote:
It is your repeated nonsense you keep on posting that tries the patience of most people.

Actually, it is the repeated nonsense you, talk72000, keep on posting that tries the patience of rational people.

However, your repeated nonsense is mounting evidence that you are incapable of making rational responses, OR you realize your positions are irrational and cannot serve the basis of rational rsponses.

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