Where is the US economy headed?

Reply Sat 11 Sep, 2010 10:27 pm
Why do you continue to dodge the question? What if a young mother has been told of severe deformities in the fetus she carries, deformities that would mean what she would bear would only live, at best, a few hours after birth?

Why would you make this woman continue to carry a fetus that has become abhorrent to her?

You are not trying to answer as best you can. The question requires a yes or no.

As for the Constitution, where in the Constitution is there written that abortion is against the law?

0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Sep, 2010 10:29 pm
Can you rephrase your question so that it is relevant, follows the line of argument of this thread and makes sense?
Reply Sat 11 Sep, 2010 10:32 pm
You ****! Every time a male sees that a woman has a point to make, he accuses her of jealousy.

Crawl back into the slime that you came from.

Why should Alex Rodriguez earn $62,000 every time he steps up to bat and why should a family with two wage earners not be able to afford to take their children to that Great American Game where they might see this creep earn $62,000 while they have to go without something that month to pay for the gas to take them the 100 miles to Boston?
Reply Sat 11 Sep, 2010 10:34 pm
Protect the life of the mother? What if the woman sees a severely deformed fetus, expelled dead from her womb and loses her reason?
Reply Sat 11 Sep, 2010 10:35 pm
That creep jan brewer is spending money the Federal Government gave her to do something about education to protect the borders of AZ.
Reply Sat 11 Sep, 2010 10:49 pm
And here I thought you said you didnt insult anyone that didnt insult you first.

I said nothing in my post that was remotely insulting, yet you decide to insult me.
I guess that shows what you really are.

Why should Alex Rodriguez earn $62,000 every time he steps up to bat

Because the people that pay his salary decided he was worth that much.
Who are you to decide that he cant make that much money?

why should a family with two wage earners not be able to afford to take their children to that Great American Game where they might see this creep earn $62,000 while they have to go without something that month to pay for the gas to take them the 100 miles to Boston?

For someone that prides herself on her writing skill, this sentence doesnt show that skill.
Its a run-on sentence, with no coherent structure and no punctuation.

As for what you are trying to ask, are wages on the east coast so bad that people cant afford to fill up their gas tank?
Every car I have ever seen, that is newer then 1980, can get 200 miles on 1 tank of gas.
So 1 tank of gas shouldnt be a problem for a parent that wants to take their children to a baseball game.

As for the price of tickets at Fenway Park, I dont know what they are, so I cant answer.
However, if you live 100 or more miles away, you can watch the game on TV, because it wont be blacked out.

Reply Sat 11 Sep, 2010 10:59 pm
All one has to do is insult me once to totally lose any courtesy from me.

No one but Rodriguez and the Yankee management thinks he is worth that much. Today, the two discussants both agreed he was not. People everywhere are angry at the salaries paid baseball players.

It is not a run-on sentence.

So, this family is supposed to watch the game on tv? What a lot of malarkey. A controlling right winger at his most tightly wound!
Reply Sat 11 Sep, 2010 11:06 pm
No one but Rodriguez and the Yankee management thinks he is worth that much. Today, the two discussants both agreed he was not. People everywhere are angry at the salaries paid baseball players.

I wouldnt know, I dont follow baseball well enough to know.
However, if they thought he was worth that much money when they got him, who are you to say that he cant make that much money?

Would you be willing to take a pay cut if someone where you worked decided you were overpaid?
Why do you think you have the right to determine what anyone else gets paid?
Its none of your business what anyone else makes, because it doesnt concern you.

So, this family is supposed to watch the game on tv? What a lot of malarkey. A controlling right winger at his most tightly wound!

IF, as you say, a family is that concerned about the price of gas, or if as you say, they dont have a vehicle that can make the trip on 1 tank of gas, it would make more sense to watch the game on TV.
It would be cheaper, you get a better view of the action, and you dont have to worry about the crowd.

BTW, you did notice that I didnt insult you, even though you felt free to hurl insults at me.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 12 Sep, 2010 01:35 pm
plainoldme wrote:

All one has to do is insult me once to totally lose any courtesy from me.

Actually it does not take an insult, all it takes is a disagreement. Any disagreement with you, or somebody that tells you your opinions are wrong, you take it as an insult.
Reply Sun 12 Sep, 2010 02:01 pm
Apparently, they are starting to discover junk buried in the Obamacare legislation, stuff that isn't even related to health care. This is particularly interesting to me as a small business, because it relates to the subject of issuing 1099's. I have found the practice to be highly variable and inconsistent, and basically a nuisance factor to a large extent, at least with the businesses that we have dealt with. It seems highly silly to me, for example would I 1099 Home Depot for example, after buying some building materials? If everyone did that, it would make Home Depot's tax reporting an absolute nightmare and virtually impossible to unravel. I think 1099s were intended for contract work, but it seems to me it has gotten out of hand, it is now done with folks that simply buy product from other businesses. The whole thing needs to be revisited and reformed, in my opinion. This issue is but another reason why I think income tax should be totally eliminated in favor of a federal retail sales tax.
"Nebraska Senator Aims to Repeal Tax-Reporting Mandate in Health Care Law"
"Johanns told Fox News that compliance with the new law, which demands that companies that make purchases worth more than $600 must file a 1099 reporting form to the vendor and the Internal Revenue Service, will cost billions of dollars and is not worth the price for exposing tax cheats."

"This is a very unusual situation, very deep in that health care bill, section 9006 if you can imagine, is a provision that has nothing to do with health care and it's a provision that hammers small and medium and large businesses," Johanns said. "Let's repeal this provision."

cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 12 Sep, 2010 02:05 pm
Hey, okie, we all know that all GOP legislation that were processed through congress were all pure. We all know that! You dummy!
Reply Sun 12 Sep, 2010 02:14 pm
@cicerone imposter,
I'm glad you know it!!! You said it so it must be true, it has to be. Laughing Laughing
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 12 Sep, 2010 02:32 pm
It agrees with your ignorance about how our congress passes legislation; just as long as you are happy is what counts. Happy in your ignorance is my opinion.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 12 Sep, 2010 04:04 pm
plainoldme wrote:
Can you rephrase your question so that it is relevant, follows the line of argument of this thread and makes sense?

I'm rephrasing my question for you, plainoldme!

I orininally asked plainoldme: What do you perceive about the current Constitutional rule of law that prohibits judges from rationally ruling on issues involving contemporary technology?

Plainoldme previously seemed to me to claim our Constituion was no longer valid for permitting judges to rationally and/or logically rule on issues involving contemporary technology.


What changes to the Constitution do you think will aid judges to correctly rule on issues involving contemporary technology?

What new rules do you think will aid judges to correctly rule on issues involving contemporary technology?

What new principles do you think judges should apply to correctly rule on issues involving contemporary technology?

What is it in the present contents of the Constiotution that if followed would prohibit judges from correctly ruling on issues involving contemporary technology?

Reply Sun 12 Sep, 2010 04:09 pm
plainoldme wrote:
Protect the life of the mother? What if the woman sees a severely deformed fetus, expelled dead from her womb and loses her reason?

How about this?
Permit abortion of fully formed fetuses to protect the life and/or sanity of the mother.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 12 Sep, 2010 04:18 pm
That creep jan brewer

When did Jan Brewer insult you?
Reply Sun 12 Sep, 2010 08:01 pm

Actually it does not take an insult, all it takes is a disagreement.

Totally wrong. You are speaking about yourself in this matter.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 12 Sep, 2010 08:03 pm
What no one here seems to be willing to admit is that the current health care legislation is the product of a far too long list of compromises. This is not what the left wanted. The bill was presented in a watered down and emasculated version to make it palatable to the American right.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 12 Sep, 2010 08:05 pm
I in no way said nor would I ever say that judges are prohibited from "rationally (what could you possibly mean by rationally??)" ruling on issues involving contemporary technology.

Now, go back and do not return until you can state your question in a sensible and logical manner.
Reply Sun 12 Sep, 2010 08:06 pm
She hasn't committed suicide yet, which makes her an insult to all women and to all normal, law abiding citizens.


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