I share your desire to get Obama out of office as I too believe he is bad for the country. I think however that impeachment hearings would only raise the level of rancor and ill will that already exists between the parties, ican, and in the long run would be more of a sideshow and diversion from what really needs to get done.
What we really need to get done is overturning Obamacare, fixing the budget deficits and economic policies that would get our economy back on track, fixing our border security, and finally winning the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. I think an impeachment attempt would only sidetrack congressmen from what they really need to concentrate on, and it would raise the level of rancor and resentments that already exists in the political world. That is unfortunate, and I blame that situation upon primarily the Democratic Party that is more interested in their own party than they are in standing up for principles of right and wrong.
What made this country great in the past was both political parties had a first priority of standing for principles, but we no longer have that. I think we saw that die almost a complete death during the Clinton administration when we saw the Democrats circle the wagons around an obviously corrupt and sleezy Democrat president. In contrast, when Nixon was kicked out of office, it came to the point where some Republicans went into his office and said "pal, its time to go." Nothing like that happened with Clinton, in fact only one lousy Democrat of the whole bunch in Washington, Joseph Lieberman, dared to condemn the corruption and sleeziness of Clinton. And so now, we have a situation where Democrats will circle the wagons around Obama, no matter how illegal and corrupt some things could be shown in testimony and evidence.
Consider also that the media has much invested in Obama as a virtual messiah, and they will also circle the wagons and cooperate with each other to demonize and condemn any effort to uphold the law and impeach Obama. Remember, Obama is their darling still, and this will not change much or any, unless something really drastic happens to prove before all the world something very very damning against Obama. To us that are informed, there is plenty now, but not to the media that treats the man with kid gloves and still somehow believes he walks on water.
So we have the numbers if we run efficient campaigns this fall, which can defang Obama another 2 years, then we can sweep him out of office in the presidential election 2 years from now. It actually could turn out that leaving him in office might be the best thing that has ever happened to the Republican Party, because it exposes him and his party for their ineptness and incompetence for all the world to see.