Where is the US economy headed?

Reply Fri 9 Jul, 2010 09:28 am
few if any ever produced anything much of significance to this day

Speaking of nonsense...

as a hippie teen who dated a jesus freak in the late 60s, I can be the counter example of your assessment of the group at large. I'm still pretty granola - peace loving, eat mostly organic, grow my own when I can, etc. - but I run a small business, employ five people who all get to work out of their homes earning decent salaries, am a pretty strong fiscal conservative (always was), never used drugs much (tried pot a few times decades ago - wasn't my thing...). I still think of myself as a hippie, as do some (not all) of my friends. I think you'd be surprised what the hippies produce in terms of significant contributions to society.

Sure, some of them died or burned out - I personally lost two friends to drugs. But the group at large is quite active and productive.

I'm reminded of a hippie thread of Timber's... makes me smile.
Reply Fri 9 Jul, 2010 10:32 am
JPB may disagree that this particular bunch of hippies has produced anything much of significance to this day.


Nevertheless, Okie's computer is probably running their operating system, and he's probably typing his responses in their browser. (If none of these faces seems familiar to you, kindly give a second look to the teenage hippie in the bottom left corner.)
Reply Fri 9 Jul, 2010 10:56 am
C'mon Thomas.. those are nerds..

Nerds - granola eaters that produce things
Hippies - granola eaters that don't produce anything and die from substance abuse.

I'm sure those would be okie's definitions.
Reply Fri 9 Jul, 2010 03:18 pm
Okay that's Bill Gates and the one on the top right could be George Lukas.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 9 Jul, 2010 09:52 pm
Okie has convinced himself that the people he calls hippies at his college were wastrels. I was in college 1965-69 but okie is slightly older than me. There were no hippies per se when I started college, so we should assume there were none at okie's school.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 9 Jul, 2010 09:52 pm
Forgot to add this: by focusing on what I had to say about hippies, okie was able to ignore the rest of what I had to say.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 10 Jul, 2010 09:02 am
parados wrote:

C'mon Thomas.. those are nerds..

Nerds - granola eaters that produce things
Hippies - granola eaters that don't produce anything and die from substance abuse.

I'm sure those would be okie's definitions.

You are sure of lots of things, parados, but it seldom indicates you are correct.

To clarify a few things about hippies, and what I have said about them, I am sure everyone would have their own perception of hippies, including who and what they were. First of all, we need to distinguish between the definition of hippies and the hippie generation. There were of course countless productive people from the hippie generation, and simply looking like one of the Beatles does not necessarily make you a hippie. I would consider a true hippie to be an individual that truly dropped out of productive living and turned to drugs and free sex in a rather big way. Of those people, some did recover themselves, eventually straighten out, and end up living productive lives, some even in extraordinarily productive ways. Personally, I knew none of those. Of the ones I have known of, those that went pretty far into dropping out and doing drugs, I don't know of any that have been successful. Look, as stated above, I am not saying they don't exist, but I am saying the successful ones are probably exceptions, not the norm.

There are certain principles of human behavior, and one of those is that irresponsible living and behavior tend to result into poor results, a pattern of irresponsible living, unless as I said above, the person involved makes changes to their lives and straighten out, which of course is possible but probably not statistically significant compared to those people that start out to be responsible will more likely stay that way. This is just undeniable, and it is common sense.

We could get into much detail about this, but generally most people go through phases of immaturity before they settle down into a productive adulthood. And in the 60's, perhaps the hippie culture was one avenue that many people traveled to get their immature behavior behind them. The problem with that however was that serious drug abuse, if their experience included that, it was tougher for them to get past it and to defeat it, as it often translated into substance abuse throughout their lives. Perhaps I should not mention this, but even cyclops admits to pot smoking to this day, and nobody will convince me that it makes him clearer thinking. I have worked around pot smokers, and they are not clear thinking much of the time, in fact in one case that I was intimately aware of, it became a real problem for them to do a credible job at anything assigned them.
Reply Sat 10 Jul, 2010 12:03 pm
Perhaps I should not mention this, but even cyclops admits to pot smoking to this day, and nobody will convince me that it makes him clearer thinking

Seeing as I run circles around your posts as it is, imagine how things would be if I was - in your words - 'clear headed!' There's no difference at all between smoking a joint and drinking a few beers, except that the marijuana isn't as bad for you.

I don't know whether you would consider me a modern hippie - I work full-time making a nice living and support my family with no problems whatsoever.

Reply Sat 10 Jul, 2010 12:30 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:

Perhaps I should not mention this, but even cyclops admits to pot smoking to this day, and nobody will convince me that it makes him clearer thinking

Seeing as I run circles around your posts as it is, imagine how things would be if I was - in your words - 'clear headed!' There's no difference at all between smoking a joint and drinking a few beers, except that the marijuana isn't as bad for you.

I don't know whether you would consider me a modern hippie - I work full-time making a nice living and support my family with no problems whatsoever.


Good, I am glad you are able to function at a level high enough to support yourself. To clarify, I have at no time claimed that drinking a few beers is a great practice either, in fact I am not a beer drinker and I do not advocate it. I am not an advocate of alcohol or drug usage, period.

Do I consider you a modern hippie? I don't frankly know what to consider you exactly, because I have never met you personally and do not know you. The only things I know about you are your online political viewpoints, but based upon that, yes, I have this image of a guy that hasn't gotten out of the drug culture all that well, and you still seem to worship at the feet of the liberal hippie or rebel type mindset. And depending upon how many joints you smoke per day or per week, but if its rather many, I think you are a rather sad personality, I kind of feel sorry for you, and your opinions do reflect a fogginess of the liberal drug using world. You do not seem very clear in your mind, cyclops, sorry, but I am serious about that. Maybe to be more precise, you seem clear in some ways, but just clearly wrong and screwed up in your ability to judge right vs. wrong.

Interesting, the issue of right vs wrong, I think the hippie generation represented a rebellion against the cultural norms, and we as a people are becoming increasingly unable to make clear judgements about right and wrong, lawful and unlawful, constitutional and unconstitutional. It was a declaration that we can look, act, and do anything we please, to heck with you old folks. When that happened, then moral judgements of things like abortion and many other things are rejected by the liberal mind as being too restrictive. Things like sex before marriage are okay, so shacking up becomes common place, cheating here and there, what the heck, it doesn't matter anymore, and before long, culture and the country are in a miserable mess. Buy stuff you can't afford, and if you don't work, let the government support you or blame it on somebody else. In fact, sue them. Millions of illegals in the country, who cares, they are our voters now. Respect for the law is gone. If the president abuses an intern, so what, who cares, its his private life. This is where the liberal hippie mindset has taken us. I could say a whole lot more, but you should get the picture.
Reply Sat 10 Jul, 2010 01:28 pm

Interesting, the issue of right vs wrong, I think the hippie generation represented a rebellion against the cultural norms, and we as a people are becoming increasingly unable to make clear judgements about right and wrong

The problem with your position is that you see you and your beliefs as absolute ones. You've no more perspective on what 'right and wrong' are than anyone else does. Your generation simply ignored problems instead of dealing with them, and when later generations actually faced the problems and came up with solutions for them, you disdain them for it.

You are against legalized abortion, but women have always - and will always - get abortions if they want them. There likely were as many of them when you were a kid as there are now, it was just a secret and dangerous thing. Later generations confronted this fact that yours was too afraid to confront.

You are against homosexuals having equal rights, and likely against homosexuality in general (your generation as a whole certainly is), but there were as many gays when you were a kid as there are now. You just ignored the 'problem' because you were too afraid to confront it. We are not, and you don't like the results.

Sex before marriage has been going on full-pace forever. There's nothing new about it at all; we just admit it, whereas your generations hid it.

In fact, that's a great way to describe the morality you discuss - you hide from issues instead of confronting the reality of them. Modern generations are better about this, and I can see how you might think it's a problem, because you just can't deal with the actual solutions - they hurt your 'sensibilities' even if none of it has one thing to do with your actual life personally.

You do not seem very clear in your mind, cyclops, sorry, but I am serious about that.

This from a guy who considered Hitler to be a leftist - a position which is idiotic, Okie, and you paint yourself to be an ignorant person every time you forward it. It's embarrassing - I'm embarrassed for you every time you bring that **** up, seriously. You would be laughed out of the room in any serious historical discussion.

Reply Sat 10 Jul, 2010 03:19 pm
Cyclo, it is idiotic to believe Hitler was not a Leftist.
By Hitler's own specification he was a socialist.
Socialists are Leftists.
By definition nazism is socialist.

Main Entry: na·zism
Pronunciation Guide
Pronunciation: nätsizm sometimes näzizm or na- or n-
Variant(s): or na·zi·ism \pronunc at NAZI+izm\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): -s
Usage: usually capitalized
Etymology: 1Nazi + -ism
1 : the body of political and economic doctrines held and put into effect by the National Socialist German Workers' party in the Third German Reich including the totalitarian principle of government, state control of all industry, predominance of groups assumed to be racially superior, and supremacy of the führer : German fascism
2 : a Nazi movement or regime

Dictionary definitions are superior to you contrary pronouncements. Logic is superior to you contrary pronouncements.

You appear incapable of facing facts that contradict your beliefs. You appear to suffer the false belief that what you post is true just because you post it.

By its very nature, if not checked, socialism leads to dictatorship.

Main Entry: so·cial·ism
Pronunciation Guide
Pronunciation: sshlizm
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): -s
1 : any of various theories or social and political movements advocating or aiming at collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and control of the distribution of goods: as a : FOURIERISM b : GUILD SOCIALISM c : MARXISM d : OWENISM
2 a : a system or condition of society or group living in which there is no private property <trace the remains of pure socialism that marked the first phase of the Christian community -- W.E.H.Lecky> -- compare INDIVIDUALISM
b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state -- compare CAPITALISM, LIBERALISM
c : a stage of society that in Marxist theory is transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and payments to individuals according to their work
Reply Sat 10 Jul, 2010 06:44 pm
I just stopped by when I noticed the last poster was ican. I wanted to see if he posted any new idiocy. He posted the same old, tired, inaccurate idiocy. So I will post the same theme song, which, at least, is entertaining! IT is also far more germane than ican's bass ackward chart:

0 Replies
Reply Sat 10 Jul, 2010 06:52 pm
Oh, I no longer read okie because his poor logic, grammar and syntax are just too much.

However, I appreciate your responses to his drivel.

Abortions. Okie needs to read a book called, "Eve's Herbs," to understand that women have used birth control since Lucy. Of course, he has no idea who Lucy was.

I never pull Queen Anne's Lace from my garden in memory of the women who had to depend upon it.

There were legal abortions for rich people. Rich people had the lawyers on family retainer ask judges for court orders demanding abortions in hospitals for their drunken sorority member daughters who pulled trains at frat parties. The judge would order a "d & c" poor girl who could not bear a pregnancy.

In the 19th C., "d & Cs" were used to regulate menstrual cycles.

Do you know why young couples were forbidden to "walk out" together until there was an official engagement? Because young ladies used their hankies to jerk off their beaus.

As for okie's position on Hitler, well, it deserves a song:

0 Replies
Reply Sat 10 Jul, 2010 06:52 pm
Here's a song for you, so you will not feel left out:

0 Replies
Reply Sat 10 Jul, 2010 07:03 pm
ican711nm wrote:

Cyclo, it is idiotic to believe Hitler was not a Leftist.
By Hitler's own specification he was a socialist.
Socialists are Leftists.
By definition nazism is socialist.

Bingo, ican, you are absolutely correct. You make a good point, that even Hitler claimed that he was a socialist. Hitler was smarter than cyclops, pom, and other leftists on this forum, or at least more honest about his own political philosophy than liberals here are.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 10 Jul, 2010 07:25 pm
Hitler hated the name of the Nazi Party which was not Nazi. Nazi is the American name for it. Nationalist Socialist Party. The Socialist part was hateful to Hitler but he let it stand because it was a recognized "brand."
Reply Sat 10 Jul, 2010 07:28 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:


Interesting, the issue of right vs wrong, I think the hippie generation represented a rebellion against the cultural norms, and we as a people are becoming increasingly unable to make clear judgements about right and wrong

The problem with your position is that you see you and your beliefs as absolute ones. You've no more perspective on what 'right and wrong' are than anyone else does. Your generation simply ignored problems instead of dealing with them, and when later generations actually faced the problems and came up with solutions for them, you disdain them for it.

I sense that I've hit a sensitive spot in cyclops brain. Yes, the liberal mind is intimidated, even frightened, by anyone that dares to have absolute beliefs. The founding fathers would have frightened the liberals to death, with their declaration that there was a God and that God endowed man with certain inalienable rights. And I am sure their fear of government would have run counter to that of all the liberals here, like cyclops, that think government is the answer to all of their ills.

You are against legalized abortion, but women have always - and will always - get abortions if they want them. There likely were as many of them when you were a kid as there are now, it was just a secret and dangerous thing. Later generations confronted this fact that yours was too afraid to confront.
Interesting the subject commonly comes back to abortion, but it does seem to be the canary in the coal mine, in terms of telling us what kind of values people and a culture have. When a person, or a culture thinks no more of their unborn offspring than it being a piece of garbage or trash, I am telling you, cyclops, we are on very dangerous and slippery ground, in fact we have lost our way. I just do not think that way, I happen to think life is more sacred and more precious than that, and it should not be taken lightly. When man and woman enters into a union, they should realize that the union means a whole lot more than recreation, it means pro-creation, and with it carries an awesome responsibility.

Look, I am not completely resolved in my own mind about what the legality of abortion should be in unusual circumstances, like rape or incest, but I do not think abortion should be universally acceptable as a means of birth control.

You are against homosexuals having equal rights, and likely against homosexuality in general (your generation as a whole certainly is), but there were as many gays when you were a kid as there are now. You just ignored the 'problem' because you were too afraid to confront it. We are not, and you don't like the results.
I am in favor of homosexuals having equal rights, they should have a right to marry anyone of the opposite sex. I am not in favor of our government or culture placing a stamp of approval upon homosexual marriage by sanctioning it as equal to heterosexual marriage. After all, it just doesn't work. The plumbing is not compatible, common sense should tell anybody that.

Sex before marriage has been going on full-pace forever. There's nothing new about it at all; we just admit it, whereas your generations hid it.

In fact, that's a great way to describe the morality you discuss - you hide from issues instead of confronting the reality of them. Modern generations are better about this, and I can see how you might think it's a problem, because you just can't deal with the actual solutions - they hurt your 'sensibilities' even if none of it has one thing to do with your actual life personally.

I think the thing you are ignoring, cyclops, is that bringing stuff out in the open and making it standard practice, we as a culture have watered down the expectations for the generations coming on. In other words, if we water down every irresponsible action, we are inviting only more trouble. Example, I have been told by folks that have lived in a South American country, that if you leave stuff laying around the yard, it is assumed it can be stolen, and so it is stolen very commonly, and it is assumed that the folks that stole it - they needed it worse, so no problem, and law enforcement makes no effort to find the thieves, so people don't even bother to report alot of the stuff stolen, and over time it has become a way of life. There are other things down there as well, it is just expected that bribery is necessary to get anything done, it becomes a way of life, part of the culture.

You do not seem very clear in your mind, cyclops, sorry, but I am serious about that.

This from a guy who considered Hitler to be a leftist - a position which is idiotic, Okie, and you paint yourself to be an ignorant person every time you forward it. It's embarrassing - I'm embarrassed for you every time you bring that **** up, seriously. You would be laughed out of the room in any serious historical discussion.


I am not the least bit embarrassed about stating the absolute truth. I have the evidence to back me up, you do not. All you have is supposed conventional wisdom taught by liberal leftist professors in places like Berkeley. You need to come down out of your ivory tower Berkeley type atmosphere and face the evidence of history with a little common sense. As ican accurately pointed out, even Hitler admitted he was socialist, which is by definition a leftist idealogy. Just because it was a nationalistic form of socialism does not change the basic definition of it, even though some leftist historians would like to make it so, because perhaps they themselves may favor more toward the international form of socialism, which is communist. As has been repeated and pointed out numerous times here on A2K, perhaps a nationalistic form of socialism is to the right of the international form of it, that does not change the inescapable and absolute fact that the basic idealogy is still on the left side of the scale. You can ridicule me as long as you wish, but facts do not change the reality of it, I am safely on the side of history, facts, and reality.
Reply Sun 11 Jul, 2010 09:45 am
It finally dawned on me what okie's problem is when it comes to you. He's jealous.

Consider this post:

I am not the least bit embarrassed about stating the absolute truth. I have the evidence to back me up, you do not. All you have is supposed conventional wisdom taught by liberal leftist professors in places like Berkeley. You need to come down out of your ivory tower Berkeley type atmosphere and face the evidence of history with a little common sense.

He always puffs and postures about Berkeley to you. It is tiresome for me, so I can just imagine how bored you must be.

He also talks about common sense a great deal while never giving any evidence of it.

Finally, he says he has proof . . . although he has written that he feels that Hitler was a leftie. . . and he decries the fact that you studied politics, condemning the 'liberal leftist professors' who may have taught you.

Those professors ARE professors. They have each obtained at least three degrees. They have published peer review papers. Somehow okie -- who never offers any proof that Hitler was a leftie other than his own imaginings -- knows more about politics and history than those professors do? I suppose he lives under electric power lines and electricity pulsing above him penetrates his body, giving him knowledge of a preternatural kind.

So, if his proof is that is what he believes, then okie must think he is god. 'Nuff said! okie is completely delusional.
Reply Sun 11 Jul, 2010 11:07 am
Well POM--I disagree. The fact of life are conservative.

I don't consider that okie "puffs and postures" about Berkeley but rather that he tries to remind Cyclo, and, with great patience and fortitude, that liberal leftist professors are a bunch of free-loading purveyors of tripe who owe their position to factors which Thorstein Veblen explains so stylishly in The Higher Learning in America and are leading those who suck on the teat of their prestige up the garden path from the intellectual point of view which okie attempts to maintain in the face of a claque of Cycloclones who think that degrees and suchlike signify intelligence, as if that is possible considering how many are awarded and that they are rewards for admiring the professors who award them in the multifarious ways they demand just as a beautiful woman often does and who it is equally necessary to steer clear of.

In my view okie gives ample evidence of having a fair share of common-sense which can be guaranteed not to be of much interest to liberal, leftie professors to whom anything remotely common is anathema. And common-sense is as common as common gets and as such unsuitable for making a splash in the pool which is what Berkeley professors have been trying to do since they were knee-high to a grasshopper, pushed by proud and ambitious parents who seek to prove the superiority of their genetic material, which they had combined in a moment of madness, having been unable to do so themselves, and which is the reason they attained to the posts they now squat in.

Hitler was so far left that he overlapped the far right.

One might easily be lured into studying history in a way which leads to the study itself completely overwhelming any real sense of history and it becoming nothing but a perch from which to crow.

And okie can write better than Cyclo too and that always signifies something.

Your writing is not bad POM but these suppositions you make are a bit of a blot. They invite suppositions to be offered in regard to yourself of the sort I am far too gallant to suggest examples of. As I feel sure okie is also.

Unless you push them too much.

Reply Sun 11 Jul, 2010 11:30 am
First, international trade has been increasing. Competition from imports has eliminated many industrial jobs that formerly fell in the middle of the U.S. income distribution. If middle-income industrial jobs are replaced by lower-income service and retail jobs, inequality will increase.

Second, new technologies such as computers and biotechnology have become more important, increasing the incomes of skilled workers who understand and use the new techniques and equipment, while leaving behind the less-skilled workers who remain in low-technology occupations.

Finally, unions have grown weaker and government policy has become markedly less supportive of unions and low-wage workers, while the compensation given to top executives and board members of large corporations has skyrocketed. According to studies done by Business Week, in 1980 chief executive officers (CEOs) of large U.S. corporations earned an average of 42 times the amount earned by the average hourly worker. In 1990, they earned 85 times as much. In 2000, they earned 531 times as much.
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