pom, I will give you credit for recognizing a problem, and even posting some hints as to why it is happening, but it is amazing your conclusion is 180 degrees out of phase with the truth. The liberals sit squarely in the seat of being responsible. I would not be able to find it now, but I posted a number of months ago an excellent article about the collision course of the public sector vs the private sector, and what you have posted are excellent examples of this. We have seen the uncontrolled growth of public sector stuff, rise in public sector jobs, wages, and benefits, and along with that, the public sector is one huge component of the Democratic Party and even Union membership, because the unions have already helped drive private sector economy offshore, so their means of survival is to use government jobs as their constituency and power base. It has now reached the point where the private sector simply cannot pay for everything the people are demanding their government to do for them. After all, the money has to come from somewhere, and the government does not really produce anything and has no money without taxing the producers in this country, which is the private sector. So, as the private sector pays higher taxes and higher everything else due to the unrealistic influences of government sector jobs and activities, the private sector is forced to either go out of business or take their operations offshore to survive.