@cicerone imposter,
You replied to Okie:
okie, The poster who rarely provides evidence or facts in his posts has the gall to tell another poster that their source of information is wrong. That's chutzpah and ignorance all rolled into one idiot who uses Rass and Limbaugh as his source for information.
There's no cure for stupid!
This is in reference to 2 replies he made to me previously, about what HE thinks I believe. I don't know his age but back in 1964, I was 20 and ready for freedoms that he or his parents had ALWAYS enjoyed! 3 years previous in 1960, buses, cabs and other public transportation was integrated because I and people that looked like me paid the SAME price for a fare, but had to sit behind someone that looked like him.
Again, in 1964, American was on its' way to "looking" like the America, the constitution said it was/is. Whether anyone agrees/disagrees with my philosophy/ideology, matters not to me. It was what it was since 1619. At least I know MY history of how it was from the time of the pilgrims. I want nor need sympathy from anyone nor do I seek it.
If you went to school and wondered why people of color are not in the history books, listen up and learn the truth. No one can define ne for what I've experienced and lived. I saw a PBS film, "Faubourg Treme", a film by someone I knew growing up, about the aftermath of Katrina and its' effect on Blacks and their image of the US, now. It screams of injustice now and the effects that having a Republican in the White House, so far detached from Blacks and other people of color, I thought I was back in the 50's.
For a short 50 years, the US had come a long way, I thought, until Katrina and then I saw ignorance unparalleled in my lifetime. "Let 'em drown", is the message you come away with. Okie, can continue to hate Obama, tell me to "move on" and forget the institutional racism, played like a sick joke, on Americans of all colors and I'll continue to fight, until my last breath for freedom.
When people like you exist, I know I still have a fighting chance and I respect the hell out of you, for it. I've been offline for a week, decorating for Christmas and enjoying the fruits of being a wife and mother to my grown adult children. I'm beat from all the cooking and entertaining I had to do for Thanksgiving, as it was the 1st time in 5 years that we were ALL together in one place.
As I watched the film and it ended, I booked a flight for 2. I'm going home to be where the weather suits my clothes and to soak up what being from New Orleans means to me. Thanks for building that fire under me, Okie.