That's about how I see our country's employment/unemployment picture. The real "Unemployment" numbers are over a few million, and not the 190,000 job loss in November. They stop counting the unemployed after they run out of unemployment insurance.
I heard on the radio today that about 20,000 more people seek food assistance every day, because people are losing jobs, and many are getting their wages cut through reduced hours.
This administration still hasn't addressed the jobs issue after spending over a trillion dollars in TARP and stimulus plan. They have made claims that they have saved over 600,000 jobs, but it doesn't take more than simple math to figure out that losing over 100,000 jobs every month when 250,000 new jobs are needed to keep everybody working proves they are lying through their teeth.
Job loss have slowed down, but we still haven't turned the corner in adding jobs to all the lost jobs.
Washington needs to get off their butts and start worrying about creating jobs over spending all this time on the two wars in the Middle East and universal health care that increases our deficit. The deficit only grows bigger, and creates a huge handicap for our economy to grow in the future.
Greenspan's loose money policy got us to this point, and Bernanke isn't helping by throwing money at failed businesses. They've penalized savings long enough, and did nothing to control the cost of credit for consumers; They should be doing the exact opposite with money policy. Reward savers with higher interest rates, and charge lower interest rates on credit to stimulate our economy. Lenders must be more diligent in lending to consumers who can pay back the loans.
Both Greenspan and Bernanke gets an "F."