teeny, I like you, you have spunk and you speak openly about yourself and your beliefs. I just wish you would wake up to the fact that you are swallowing all the swill of the liberal media and you are not checking out the facts. I believe Michael Steele, if you knew him personally, would be far more akin to your philosophy than an Obama that is a smooth talker but thats about it. Obama is not even all black, if that is what you wanted, and the man doesn't even love America, as you do, at least I don't think he does, he constantly runs it down and apologizes for it. I do not think he speaks your language at all in terms of what you believe deep down in your heart.
Fact is, many think Martin Luther King was a Republican, and it has been the Republicans from the days of Lincoln that have fought for and initiated many of the rights that you have, it is not the party of Teddy Kennedy that wants to keep you on the plantation and make you believe that you can't do anything unless they help you. Their "help" is described as taxing the bejeebers out of you and me and then give it to you and other like minded voters to buy your votes by demonizing Republicans, and it is you that has fallen for their koolaid. I think you will wake up sooner or later, I hope sooner, to what is actually going on and get a spine for yourself, like Michael Steele and the many thousands, tens of thousands, millions of other blacks that are now seeing the truth of what has happened and is happening.