Where is the US economy headed?

Reply Mon 23 Nov, 2009 08:41 pm
teenyboone wrote:

Really? Like Bush Effed up? Like Bush ran this country into the ground? Is that why the bridges are crumbling, levees bursting, middle class losing their jobs? Why the military families are on food stamps? Is THAT why?

I am over a half century old and I frankly cannot remember a time when people were not claiming the roads and bridges were crumbling, so that is nothing new, certainly not created by Bush. Military families on food stamps, sorry, but I know a few military families and I know of none on food stamps, so maybe it is a personal problem?

Hey Obama looks GOOD to me! Like a sigh of relief, compared to the last 8 years of Bush & Co.
You cannot continue to blame rising unemployment on Bush, and in fact unemployment was much lower during the Bush administration. Sorry teeny, but Obama is now president, he must now take responsibility for his policies, one of them he claimed would hold unemployment at 8.5% or below, and we now know the results of that policy, higher than 10% unemployment and rising. Obama's IRS head is a tax cheat, how does that make you feel, teeny. I think the man should resign, how about you? Cash for clunkers, about the only thing it accomplished was a good inventory of jokes for comedians for the months to come. And at least Bush could make a decision.
cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 23 Nov, 2009 08:52 pm
okie loves to use personal observations about things that impact other people's lives, but fail to understand facts and evidence.

On food stamps for our military:
Michelle said "It hurts, it hurts."

"These are people who are willing to send their loved ones off to, perhaps, give their lives--the ultimate sacrifice," The First Lady said. "But yet they're living back at home on Food Stamps. It's not right, It's not where we should be as a nation."

Barack has raised military pay by 2.9 percent in the new budget, which will hardly change the need for Food Stamps, but Michelle intends to continue to make helping military families a priority....
0 Replies
Reply Mon 23 Nov, 2009 09:10 pm
okie wrote:
And at least Bush could make a decision.

About what?
cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 23 Nov, 2009 09:14 pm
About starting a war in Iraq that's still going on after six years, giving tax cuts to the wealthiest amongst us so our children will have to pay the debt we create, allow torture of prisoners, and created the great recession that the world is now "paying" for with less job security and loss of equity. He was a decision maker alright!
Reply Mon 23 Nov, 2009 09:24 pm
@cicerone imposter,
I think, but am not sure, that Okie may be referring to the ongoing discussion within the Obama administration about sending more U.S. troops to Afghanistan. I may be wrong about what Okie was saying. It wouldn't be the first time.
Reply Mon 23 Nov, 2009 11:19 pm
Geithner and the Fed were supposed to be acting on behalf of taxpayers and citizens, not AIG. Their effort was supposed to get the best result for taxpayers: preserving the structure of the economy and stopping a free fall. That"not preserving AIG's market value"was the rationale for intervention. Once tax dollars were at stake, Geithner should have been asking how to achieve the best economic result while minimizing taxpayers' exposure.

Geithner has tried to deflect some of this criticism by suggesting that it is "untainted by experience." I would suggest that it is Geithner who displays lack of experience in his dealing with the financial community. He doesn't know how to negotiate, doesn't understand what cards he holds, and doesn't understand the need for fundamental reform.


YUP. And while we are at it we can add OBAMA to the list of Bambi's, who not having a clue about POWER and how it works have robbed the American taxpayer to keep the Wall Street leeches happy....they having no clue about any other possible courses of action.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 24 Nov, 2009 07:26 am
teenyboone wrote:

Really? Like Bush Effed up? Like Bush ran this country into the ground? Is that why the bridges are crumbling, levees bursting, middle class losing their jobs? Why the military families are on food stamps? Is THAT why?

You said:

I am over a half century old and I frankly cannot remember a time when people were not claiming the roads and bridges were crumbling, so that is nothing new, certainly not created by Bush. Military families on food stamps, sorry, but I know a few military families and I know of none on food stamps, so maybe it is a personal problem?

Military families on Food Stamps have been a problem, since the 70's. The bridges and roads built back during the Eisenhower administration have NOT been kept up to standards, just like the levees, etc. Politicians are too busy trying to get their "bridges to nowhere", slush funds for thier districts instead of what really needs rehabilitating. Tax dollars on both sides of the aisles are being spent for useless projects instead of having a bridge fall, before a light is shone on the crumbling infrastructure of America.

THAT was the point I was making and has nothing to do with your being 50!
FYI: I have WORKED for over 40 years, while your BUTT was running around in Pampers! I have worked for 2 branches of the military, in addition to retiring from AT&T, when it meant something to work there. I worked for the City Attorney, when I "retired" at 50, Univ. of Chicago, (Bureau of the Census) and Ford Motor Co. in their engineering dept. My education, took me a long way. Affirmative Action may have played a role, since I was the only Black woman in every endeavor I took, but I never thought about that unless it became evident. I just recently turned 65, still have private insurance and don't need Medicare, which the government GAVE me!

I was born during WWII, while my father was fighting in the mountains of Italy, an uncle fought at the Battle of the Bulge, 1 uncle in the US Army and an uncle in the US Navy, fighting for "white" freedom, because none was promised to them! Me and my family owe NOTHING to this country!


Hey Obama looks GOOD to me! Like a sigh of relief, compared to the last 8 years of Bush & Co.

You cannot continue to blame rising unemployment on Bush, and in fact unemployment was much lower during the Bush administration. Sorry teeny, but Obama is now president, he must now take responsibility for his policies, one of them he claimed would hold unemployment at 8.5% or below, and we now know the results of that policy, higher than 10% unemployment and rising. Obama's IRS head is a tax cheat, how does that make you feel, teeny. I think the man should resign, how about you? Cash for clunkers, about the only thing it accomplished was a good inventory of jokes for comedians for the months to come. And at least Bush could make a decision.

On what? His decisions were MADE for him by Cheney, the REAL president! Bush was a mere puppet!
Reply Tue 24 Nov, 2009 09:19 am
realjohnboy wrote:

I think, but am not sure, that Okie may be referring to the ongoing discussion within the Obama administration about sending more U.S. troops to Afghanistan. I may be wrong about what Okie was saying. It wouldn't be the first time.

Your thinking is pretty close to correct. Obama is showing himself to be extremely indecisive in matters that need decisions made in a timely manner, and one of those is Afghanistan. This is not a matter that can be sat on forever, and it is not a matter that he doesn't need to be talking to his commanders, and we know he has really dropped the ball in that regard, he is just not very engaged in it. He is more interested in his pet projects, such as Obamacare, pet projects that could wait alot longer and undergo alot more study and scrutiny, scrutiny that he does not want because he realizes he will not be able to pass the legislation if it sees the light of day.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 24 Nov, 2009 09:25 am
teenyboone wrote:
THAT was the point I was making and has nothing to do with your being 50!
FYI: I have WORKED for over 40 years, while your BUTT was running around in Pampers!

Come on, teeny, over a half century old does not mean I am 50, in fact I am not far behind you at 65. I will lay a dollar to a donut that you were not working when I was running around in pampers. In fact they probably had not even invented pampers yet.
I have worked for 2 branches of the military, in addition to retiring from AT&T, when it meant something to work there. I worked for the City Attorney, when I "retired" at 50, Univ. of Chicago, (Bureau of the Census) and Ford Motor Co. in their engineering dept. My education, took me a long way. Affirmative Action may have played a role, since I was the only Black woman in every endeavor I took, but I never thought about that unless it became evident. I just recently turned 65, still have private insurance and don't need Medicare, which the government GAVE me!

Congratulations to you, you sound like an ambitious and successful person. An observation, you still have private insurance when you are elgible for Medicare, which is quite telling. Also quite telling is the fact that many or most seniors have additional or supplemental insurance besided Medicare. Why? The obvious answer is that the government provided Medicare leaves alot to be desired, it is incomplete and insufficient. That in my opinion is quite telling, and it should be telling all of us to tell Obama, get outa here with your Obamacare, we don't want it, enough already!!!!

teeny, I think you know Obama is a bust, but you don't want to admit it yet, and also I think you know better than to blame good old Bush for anything and everything, don't you? Be honest.
Reply Tue 24 Nov, 2009 10:07 am
teenyboone wrote:

Hey Obama looks GOOD to me! Like a sigh of relief, compared to the last 8 years of Bush & Co.

teeny, get serious, listen to this man, a man, a man that better represents you, that represents the values of the black community, and America. Listen to the man. He was right, McCain would have been a far superior choice than what we are now dealing with. Listen to him, then ask yourself does he make more sense, alot more sense than Obama? A resounding yes, no doubt, has to be your answer, teeny. This man sounds like a man that loves America, as you do, teeny, and he speaks my mind as well. He speaks about his mother being a sharecroppers daughter, a woman, a family, that believed in hard work, for a better tomorrow, that believed in themselves, that believed in the America that you know and that I know, not some rotten place that Obama has always thought it was and is. As an okie that grew up in less than opulent circumstances, the man almost brings me to tears, he speaks my mind, teeny.

Listen to the whole thing, teeny, please do that much.

And you can make it right next election.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 24 Nov, 2009 10:51 am
Really? Like Bush Effed up? Like Bush ran this country into the ground? Is that why the bridges are crumbling, levees bursting, middle class losing their jobs? Why the military families are on food stamps? Is THAT why?

Why is it that you think any of this is new?
It has been going on for as long as I can remember, even under democrat presidents.

Why are you blaming Bush alone for it?
Reply Tue 24 Nov, 2009 12:38 pm
mysteryman wrote:

Really? Like Bush Effed up? Like Bush ran this country into the ground? Is that why the bridges are crumbling, levees bursting, middle class losing their jobs? Why the military families are on food stamps? Is THAT why?

Why is it that you think any of this is new?
It has been going on for as long as I can remember, even under democrat presidents.

Why are you blaming Bush alone for it?

Don't worry. When Obama does nothing to fix it in his next 4/8 years she'll surely blame him too. Logically she'll have to right? (well according to her demonstrated logic, not real logic)
0 Replies
Reply Tue 24 Nov, 2009 03:33 pm
Like CRA, FANNIE, FREDDIE, TARP and STIMULUS, Obama Healthcare will probably cause significant increases in costs to the economy, and significant decreases in the number of people employed. Both are due to its resulting increase in taxes/fees/charges/penalties on individuals, and on small as well as large businesses.

The Obama Administration is repeating and expanding the mistakes of the Bush Administration causing a continuation of decreases in total employment by increasing rates of:
(1) government expenditures;
(2) increases in budget deficits;
(3) giveaways of government revenues.

Bush: decrease in total USA employment August 2008 to January 2009 = 3,174,000

Obama: decrease in total USA employment January 2009 to October 2009 = 3,824,000

Is Obama really that stupid? Does he really believe doing and expanding that which has made things worse, will cause things to get better?

Or, is Obama a mere puppet of others who are actually seeking to stifle the USA securing liberty and its consequent productive economy?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 24 Nov, 2009 07:53 pm
Obama Shatters Spending Record for First-Year Presidents

President Obama has shattered the budget record for first-year presidents -- spending nearly double what his predecessor did when he came into office and far exceeding the first-year tabs for any other U.S. president in history.

In fiscal 2009 the federal government spent $3.52 trillion -- $2.8 trillion in 2000 dollars, which sets a benchmark for comparison. That fiscal year covered the last three-and-a-half months of George W. Bush's term and the first eight-and-a-half months of Obama's.

That price tag came with a $1.4 trillion deficit, nearly $1 trillion more than last year. The overall budget was about a half-trillion more than Bush's for 2008, his final full fiscal year in office.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 Nov, 2009 09:45 am
While I look at Bush and see a really "bewildered" person, he just didn't possess the "cahunas" to get anything done, without someone TELLING him, what to do.

Simply clueless is how I saw him. The person I really blame is Cheney and Rummy. One a draft dodger and the other had never seen combat in the Air Force Reserves!

The generals and other military "brass" answering to these 2 desk jockeys, couldn't make a decision without Rummy and Cheney getting in the way.
When you contract out your defense and make your regular army look small, it's a morale buster!

Ask yourself, WHY was Black Water hired? For what reason? Ever heard of Halliburton? Owned by whom? Cheney, that's who! Anybody with a government contract jumped on that gravy train and made out like a bandit!

I saw Bush as a "puppet" of Cheney, then when Bush was finally tired of him, it was too late!
Reply Wed 25 Nov, 2009 09:55 am
Now who sez, I'm blaming Bush alone? You pick one question out of a reply to someone else, like I don't know that ALL of the administrations since Eisenhower, meaning ALL since him, are to blame. How many times can you fill a pothole before the road needs repaving?

Here we are, 49 years since Ike opened up the highways, leading to hotels, restaurants and other amenities being built along the way to the biggest small business boom in America!

Obama is in office slightly over a year, but from DAY ONE, Repugs AND Dems, think the man should have "parted the waters", make the dead rise and "manna" fall from Heaven!

With an 8 year MESS left by the pillaging Repugs, a deficit only Superman can balance, you want the Black Guy to "clean up" everybody else's mess!

You and the rest who "pooh-pooh" the man, send him a plan if you know so much!
Reply Wed 25 Nov, 2009 10:51 am
He could try following the one he outlined when he was running for president. But I give him credit for trying even though these damn democrate legislators have been bought by big money just like the republicans.
cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 25 Nov, 2009 10:55 am
teeny, Couldn't say it any better myself! Good on ya. These yokels want miracles, not reason and common sense.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 Nov, 2009 11:27 am
teeny, be serious, if you are going to measure a president's ability totally by his military experience, even you would have to admit I think that on a scale of one to ten, Obama is hardly even a zero, he would be in negative territory. And Bush's superiors pretty much all said he was a first class pilot and he did everything they asked of him. Surely you don't believe the phony guard papers that to this day we have not found out who forged those papers in an attempt to alter a national election, which is a felony, teeny.

Talk about morale, the morale is plummeting in the military right now with Obama at the helm, they do not trust the man. I know people in the military and that is what they are saying.

Blackwater and Halliburton, what a crock, we were using contractors, including Halliburton I don't know about Blackwater, long before Bush even got elected, and my guess is we still are with Obama as president, and we probably will continue to do so. Perhaps that is news to you, but maybe you just need to get your news other than spoonfed from some liberal source that hates Bush as much as you do, for all the wrong reasons.

teeny, have you listened to Michael Steele in the video I posted? The man makes sense, he loves this country, which is a breath of fresh air compared to the president we are stuck with now.
cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 25 Nov, 2009 12:40 pm
okie, FYI, teeny did not measure presidents by their military backgrounds. How do you create such nonsense?

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