ican, if this legislative push was not about government control of health care, there would be no need for any legislation, at least no sweeping legislation. Examples of minor reform might be in regard to insurance portability from job to job or across state line, or tort reform, or how income tax incentives are structured. Reform could also address the fact that illegal immigrants are sucking alot of resources from the health industry, especially in some areas, and this needs addressing. We also have a situation where some people that can afford insurance are not buying it, and some that can use Medicaid are not doing it, those issues could be addresssed without throwing the baby out with the bathwater. So I agree, it is totally obvious that this reform is all about the end game of the United States government gaining more control and growing the government bureaucracies already existing or creating new ones, all of which will take away more personal liberty, increase government power over our lives, and increase taxes and likely deficits and the national debt.