Cycloptichorn wrote:
okie wrote:unless you wish to count his wife's big salary job at the hospital in Chicago where she did little or nothing for a big fat pile of money, as approved by other political buddies of Obama in Chicago, in exchange for who knows what.
Oh no, politicians getting people around them hooked up with jobs! Whatever
will we do.
I doubt you could find a single politician on our national stage whose family members are not in similar positions.
Another point that is repulsive, cyclops, you pull out the old play out of the Democrat playbook, "everybody does it" alibi. Frankly, its getting old, and it rubs me the wrong way, I can't say everyone else feels this way, but if Laura Bush had been appointed to a nonjob with a big salary by political cronies, we would never have heard the end of it. I think it was totally corrupt, and it is obvious, and I am not going to forget it to please the Obamas and all of their worshipers. This is not about getting somebody a job, it is about creating a nonjob as a political payoff or favor.
I notice now that the administration is going after Fox. I would not be the least bit surprised to see some kind of move to try to shut up the opposition. That is what leftists do, that is their natural tendency, as they are totally hung up on themselves and their bloated view of themselves and their right to power, and that nobody has the right to oppose them or even question them. Perish the thought that Lord Obama would ever submit to a serious question from anyone from Fox News. I would not consider the interview with O'Reilly as a serious attempt at it. The man wants to be treated as if he is royalty and he cannot abide serious questions, just as cyclops is offended that I would so much as ask him a question about something Obama said.