Advocate wrote:
It boils down to the Republicans thinking that low-income workers are just scum who don't deserve decent pay, good treatment, or dignity. They even fought against an increased minimum wage. They will get theirs.
Oh good grief, knock off the garbage. I could tell you stories, a guy was telling me the other day, a licensed plumber got laid off from a private firm and went to work for a union. He said its a joke, the union foreman told him not to lay more than a foot of pipe per hour, if he wanted to stay in good graces with the union. He can't wait for the work to pick up so he can go back to his old job, the union job is an absolute joke, they don't do much work, and half the time the people are standing around or even leave for part of the day. Its all about making the job last as long as they can milk it for, and alot of their jobs are government jobs.
If you would actually get out in the work places, you might find out how some of this stuff works. Guys have told me stories about the union assembly lines at auto makers, some of what goes on, no wonder some of these companies are going broke.
Advocate, I have been a low income worker when I was young, I grew up relatively poor, I know lots of people with low income jobs, including many relatives. I am not part of a family with lots of money. All of us have had to work for every dime we own. So your comments are just ignorant of the real world.