@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
As with our economy, working on alternative energy sources is a long-term goal. Things will not happen over-night or within the next few years. All you have done is attack Obama's plan to increase alternative energy sources; that is the right course of action for our future. Oil and coal now makes up 66% of human energy use; that cannot be sustained for the long term future. Oil and coal are natural resources that have limits, and they increase CO2 and pollutants into the atmosphere. Oil has price constraints when the supply cannot meet demand, and we've already seen what can happen we have to pay over $4/gallon. Coal is not a clean fuel. We must reduce the demand for these two major sources of energy.
Finally a reasoned post, but the substance of your post does not match to your apparent general view that alternative energy is going to be significant soon under Obama.
I agree, working on alternative energy sources is a good idea. I guess you miss the fact that it is indeed happening. I have driven through probably a half dozen new wind farms in the last 5 years that did not exist 10 years ago, and new turbines are going up in many areas. I have seen them in Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas, and Colorado, places I frequent. I have also seen a solar installation in the San Luis Valley of Colorado, and am aware of other similar plans, but these take time, and the grandest of projections would not make solar a big contributor of electricity anytime soon. No way.
It is implied we are not working on alternative energy and Obama is going to change that. That is false. We have been working on these for a very long time. I can vouch for the fact that when I worked for an energy company, we had a geothermal program clear back in the 70's or early 80's. As a matter of note, alot of the most potential areas are off limits due to environmental or other restrictions. When Obama mentioned geothermal as one of the things that would wean us off of cartel oil in one of the debates, I could only marvel at his ignorance.
Even though we are working on alternative energies and installing some, the reality of actually converting a significant portion of our energy consumption to these sources is decades away, not years away. If you doubt that, educate yourself, or find the evidence and then come back here and show it.
And finally, the subject of nuclear, we would in fact be far better off right now if the same type of liberal political cabals that we deal with now, the same factions to which Obama is associated with, if they had not ended the building of new nuclear facilities in the U.S. about 30 years ago. And even now, even though Obama claims to be in favor of nuclear, he and his constituents cannot agree on a disposal program, so until that happens, don't look for anything much to happen on this. Nuclear is in fact the one energy source that could contribute greatly to electrical generation, but thank the environmentalists for stalling that out. These types of people are anti-capitalists and want the government to solve every problem, but sadly the government is primarily an obstructionist organization in terms of allowing business to solve the problems.
If you want the government to control everything, say so, and then we could decide which way we go, government all the way or business, but be aware we should be prepared for the consequences of that decision.