Personally, I never wanted to be rich, I only wanted to earn an honest living, and to be reasonably comfortable, but not rich, as I personally believe that wealth is not necessarily a good thing for my own well being. However, I do not believe that I should dictate to anyone else whether I think they are too rich or not, after all, is it any of my business? And why do you think it is your business, hamburger?
One thing is fairly certain in my view, rich people provide alot more jobs than poor people do, and if there were no wealthy people in this country, things would be in a much sadder state of affairs than they are now, economically. So, I am grateful to rich people, the ones that own businesses, that are investing, that are providing jobs and the capital for new innovation and technical progress. I find the jealous and envious of other people's wealth to be a self defeating and pathetic mindset, if you want to know the truth, hamburger.
In regard to poor people risking their necks on various jobs, sure, no doubt, I have done it myself. The wealth of a rich person does not make that person a better person, no it does not, but if that wealth is invested and given for charitable purposes, there is no doubt that it accomplishes more for the overall economy than one man sweeping the floor as a janitor. Does it make the rich person better than the janitor, no, all men are equal before God. And if you want a biblical example, inasmuch as the poor widow cast in one mite, she has given more than the rich, because it cost her more.
The thing that I object to is the demonization of wealth, and the idea that the government somehow has a duty to regulate wealth, and that it somehow has the right to confiscate one man's wealth and give it to others. I am accepting of some progressivity in the tax system, but not to the point of taking away all the incentive of work and of taking risks, financially, to produce growth and technological progress. About the only thing government will do is spend and waste the wealth, to the point of running a society into poverty. A vibrant rich and middle class is essential to this country, in my opinion, and I object to the government taking all of that wealth, in the name of doling it out to the poor, which accomplishes nothing, except making everyone poor.