We need adults running this country. Vote liberals out of congress. We need to reform our tax system, at least lower corporate income tax or do away with it altogether, so that we can bring manufacturing and as much business as possible back here from overseas. We need a solid immigration policy that is enforced, finally. We need oil, gas, wind, nuclear, solar, all of the above. Drill offshore and in Alaska. We need to quit listening to whacko tree huggers as the central theme of policy. We need to quit punishing success. We need to reform corporate laws, to make it easier for stockholders instead of rubber stamp boards to control compensation of management, so that boards of directors cannot rob companies to give to their fellow ceo friends. We need to get rid of the teachers union and the trial lawyers control of education and tort reform.
That would only be a start. Yes, we need change alright, and it is about opposite of the kind that Obama hints at.