Where is the US economy headed?

Reply Fri 2 Aug, 2013 11:50 am
@cicerone imposter,
Sorry we have large holes where the two towers used to be in New York city, four airliners lost and the pentagon with a large hole in it walls.

Then we have the government of Afghanistan that was shielding the SOBs who did this attack.

Sorry no lies anymore then when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.
Reply Fri 2 Aug, 2013 01:01 pm
Surely Bill the objective of the 9/11 attacks was the provocation of a response from the west. To lay a burden on our economies. However much we deplore the loss of life (collateral damage) and the loss of a bit of infrastructure those are insignificant in the general scheme of things.

I think that the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour had other objectives.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 2 Aug, 2013 01:17 pm
And I hope Bill that you don't think mentioning those things in that way demonstrates that you deplore 9/11 more than the rest of us because it doesn't.

You don't get your "I'm a Good Guy" card as easy as that from me.

To the extent that words are an economic category the economy becomes a psychological operation as is assumed in the two most famous fictional representations of future societies.
Reply Fri 2 Aug, 2013 01:17 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Wars which have cost 2 to 4 trillion dollars were started by Bush which the conservative co-conspirators are demanding that Obama pay off in 8 years while reducing the taxes on the rich. Why dont we elect a republican majority in the Senate and allow them to legalize all antiabortion laws, and let the republicans pass their voting restriction laws so that only republicans have the right to vote just like Texas and all the other red states.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 2 Aug, 2013 01:17 pm
I'm sorry you're so stupid! The twin towers were destroyed by al Quida, not Afghanistan.
Reply Fri 2 Aug, 2013 01:21 pm
@cicerone imposter,
I wonder how many bucks we have spent on the so called war on drugs over years?
cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 2 Aug, 2013 01:26 pm
Not only that, but can you imagine the money spent on prosecuting people who had marijuana? In most states today, it's legal to have marijuana.

The government does overkill on most issues that should be okay, and cuts spending for our children's education and healthcare.
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Reply Fri 2 Aug, 2013 01:44 pm
I wonder how many bucks we have spent on the so called war on drugs over years?

But don't you think it was necessary? You would have cocaine in the salt cellars in eateries if these things were legal. It didn't take them long to put laudanum in the cough mixtures in the old days. They might pump dope fumes into the cinema so everybody enjoyed the movie better. And the public soon learn which cinema offers the best trip. And which State the best holidays.

They are very cheap to produce.

Drugs are a very complex subject. I think that without the war on drugs things would very quickly get out of hand. And that would spell disaster for the US economy.

Reply Fri 2 Aug, 2013 01:53 pm
That's the first time I have ever heard that particular type of objection. I do believe you are right.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 2 Aug, 2013 02:01 pm
I read some interesting statistics the other day which said the majority of homicides which were admittedly done by a disproportionate amount of blacks, were done over drugs. So if drugs were legal then there wouldn't be anything to fight over and then less blacks would wind up in prison which also contributes to our economy woes.
cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 2 Aug, 2013 02:08 pm
The bigger problem for blacks is the on-going discrimination that handicaps them to improve their lives.

We all know (at least most fair-minded people) that the killing of Trayvon Martin would never have happened if he were a white kid doing the same thing. NEVER.
Reply Fri 2 Aug, 2013 03:00 pm
You don't get your "I'm a Good Guy" card as easy as that from me.

Do not give a **** about having a good guys card from you we was attacked by people operating with the aid and the help of the government in charge of Afghanistan that cost us billions in property damage and roughly four thousands lives.

Given that we have every reason to go to war with the rulers of Afghanistan and kicked butt.

There was no lying about the reasons we did so as it is an open and shut matter.

Reply Fri 2 Aug, 2013 03:04 pm
@cicerone imposter,
I'm sorry you're so stupid! The twin towers were destroyed by al Quida, not Afghanistan.

Yes dear and who was giving them bases? When after the attack they then refused to turn the Al-Quida members in their nation over to us.

Continuing to give them aid and shelter.

We have every right to go to war with them over such behaviors it is an open and shut matter no lying needed.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 2 Aug, 2013 03:07 pm
@cicerone imposter,
We all know (at least most fair-minded people) that the killing of Trayvon Martin would never have happened if he were a white kid doing the same thing. NEVER

So Zimmerman would have allowed a white kid to either kill him or placed him into an IC unit?.

Brain dead come to mind that anyone can hold the idea that skin color matter when being attacked by a hoodlum trying to killed you.
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Reply Fri 2 Aug, 2013 03:18 pm
I am aware revel that there are conflicting arguments. And most of them are exceedingly difficult to get to the bottom of even if it might be thought possible to do so.

It is an assertion that blacks in prison are an economic negative. Which doesn't mean I think it is untrue.
Reply Fri 2 Aug, 2013 03:24 pm
I take it that you missed my point.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 2 Aug, 2013 05:02 pm
Well, it don't take no great leap of logic to figure out if a large proportion of a segment are in prison, then that segment will not be doing too good economically.

However, I was talking of the expense of prisons being bad for local and federal government economics.
Reply Fri 2 Aug, 2013 05:07 pm
But it might be prevented from doing bad economically.

I don't know. The only position I take is that the question is moot.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 2 Aug, 2013 05:09 pm
@cicerone imposter,
There are many solutions our government can take advantage of, but it's broken because the GOP wants Obama to fail. Our national debt is being reduced, but the GOP wants to gut everything during Obama's presidency. Most of the accumulated debt was created by the GOP.

I think the GOP's just say no agenda is also part of their hatred for government, (except when it comes to sexual matters and abortion) is even bigger than their hatred of Obama. It is like they join the government to destroy the government and then say the government is ineffectual after having defunded and/or derailed it.
cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 2 Aug, 2013 05:26 pm
Doesn't it make you wonder "who" those conservatives are that continue to get reelected into office? The more they destroy this country, the more votes they get!

Go figure.

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