One might speculate POM that there is a reason why an insufficient number of the 99% do not vote to end the situation you describe when it looks so obvious that they should do.
Declaring that those who don't are stupid does not answer the case.
Media is owned and managed by the 1%. So are most other significant institutions. And they have presided over making the USA the greatest country in the world, by all accounts apparently, and the envy of all.
In the Soviet Union, and, indeed in the Church, the top 1% do not receive more than a fair proportion of money. (That's a joke btw). They are content with having the use of the facilities which the 1% in the USA have, often going considerably further, and thus, as one might expect, they are wary of elections and especially fair ones.
Same result really. It's just that the USA is more honest and up front. (If you will pardon the expression.) And the 1% are there, sat clucking on their golden branch, to be taxed, Cyprus style, should it prove necessary. A reserve fund one might say. Taking it off them now and distributing it more in keeping with your compassionate nature, would result in all sorts of two-bit projects from the bottom of the pork barrel and, in my estimation, would contribute to global warming, pollution, and restaurants putting their prices up.