@cicerone imposter,
The article merely repeats a clain by the AFL/CIO (the ational labor union organization) that the CEO/"worker" pay ratio is 380 times "worker" pay. There is no source data cited and the definition of "worker" or just which employees of which companies comprise the data sets is also missing. Indeed no specifics of any kind are offered oither than the phoney ratio. The idiots don't even take the trouble to duplicate the duplicitous claims of their paid propagandists. They don't have to: they've got a following of close-minded, credulous fools like yourself to buy whatever mental garbage they put out.
All of the issues I have carefully described pertain fully to this totally unsubstantiated claim. They have data only for CEO's of publicly traded companiers: none for the CEO s of the privately held firms that employ the majority of workers. No definition of "workers" is provided. Is it the average employee? The median? the lowest paid workers? the difference could easily mean a factor of 10 difference in the ratio. It would seem reasonable for one who had some professional qualifications as an auditor to have himself asked these questions.
These folks depend on the unquestioning credulity of prejudiced people like yourself to perpetuate their falsehoods and deceptions. You aren't stupid: why don't you occasionally take the trouble to think for yourself???
Do you really believe that finding additional web sites that repeat the same bullshit distortions somehow constitutes a form of "proof" ?????
There's no opening a closed mind.