What we call the education system is on fact an indoctrination program, the education system being long ago corrupted by those with power and turned into propaganda for their desire to collect more power. This idiocy with the banks flies because those who have drunk the kool-aid believe that growth is an imparitive and the risk is required to get growth, which is of course wrong....growth is required to prop up the failing regime, it is not reguired for good human life.
If the sheep were smarter then they would overthrow their masters, but that is not how it works, power has its own laws. The only hope for the sheep is to take what the masters say with a grain of salt, and then learn for themselves outside of the education system. In this thread I would not be making the useless call to fix the education system, I would be encouraging the idiots to ignore the so called education system....the one which keeps them stupid and docile, IE ripe for plunder.