Thu 27 Feb, 2003 05:56 pm
Here is a candidate who speaks plainly against the war and Bush.
Wow! I have never heard of this guy before but he sounds like a intelligent and independent mind.
I just spent some time on his web page. This is a guy who opposes the war against Iraq and wants to create a department of Peace. Yet he is independent enough to defend his pro-life (yes I said *pro-life*) voting record.
I don't know if America is ready to support a man who thinks on his own. But you got to respect the guy.
I wish him luck. He certainly has the opportunity to win my vote.
Here is a paper Kucinich wrote on possible war with Iraq.
Like Clinton and Carter, this man comes out of the blue. I hope he at least gets a hearing.
Well, he may be "pro-life" but I found this on his web site:
"I believe that women have the right to determine their reproductive choices, and I believe that criminalizing abortion is unconstitutional. Increasingly, the bills that have been brought to the House floor would criminalize or eliminate women's reproductive rights. I have never favored a constitutional amendment to criminalize abortion. I do not believe that Roe v. Wade should be overturned."
Sounds like an interesting guy!
The big K is saying the words, but few seem to be listening.
edgarblythe wrote:Like Clinton and Carter, this man comes out of the blue. I hope he at least gets a hearing.
He doesn't come out of the blue---he comes out of Cleveland. He is a former mayor a burr in the ass of the Ohio Republican Party.