The eye and the mind

Reply Tue 15 Mar, 2005 07:00 pm
Not too swift, What, exactly, is Mozart's Funeral March? Did they play that at Kennedy's funeral?
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Reply Tue 15 Mar, 2005 08:41 pm
NotTooSwift. I like your phrase regardilng the "I": "it is more akin to a form of inner cosmology than anyone's philosophy." I hope it means the same for both of us. To me the true Self (notice the upper case as opposed to the lower class "self" or ego) is the actual Cosmos whatever that may be. It's the actual, not just the inner world.
Also, it seems to me that if the self has bookends they are the "I" and the "me." "I" always has reference to the benefits it can attain for "me".
That was a good, evocative, post. I enjoyed it.
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Reply Tue 15 Mar, 2005 08:48 pm
Sorry for interrupting, JL. Call it a cognitive AHA moment.

Actually it was Chopin not Mozart that I was thinking of.

Now back to the eye and the mind.
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Reply Wed 16 Mar, 2005 02:35 am

É, sim. Obrigado pela correcção.
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Reply Wed 16 Mar, 2005 06:19 pm

If you cease overlooking
the Nothing at your center
it will explode into Everything

If you realize the
Nothing at your center
you will also recognize
you're Everything.


Yes….nice wording JLN

Nothing awake to itself as Nothing…….Beyond Incredible.

"…for now let me just respond to your response to my statement that:

"I've made the argument many times that consciousness "of the world" depends on an infinite set of circumstances. To have visual consciousness, or awareness, of some "object", there must exist, eyes, brain, heart, skin, etc., and there must exist air, gravity, oxygen, air pressure, temperature within a certain range, etc. There must be a planet to stand on; it must have a sun; there must be a solar system, with galaxies, ad infinitum."

You responded as follows: "I completely disagree,
Consciousness is not dependent on anything, i.e. it's not an emergent property."

My comment was intended to suggest, not a series of causal links, i.e., of the conditions that "lead to" (or give rise to) the experience or consciousness or sight; I was suggesting the holistic or monistic thesis that experience (e.g. consciousness and all sensorial experiences) are EMBEDDED, or perhaps intrinsic to its infinite context. Everything in that sense is simultaneously cosmic and local--depending on one's frame of reference.

Thanks for the clarification JLNobody.

We know that our perspectives vary but at the root I think they are identical as; The nothing that you and I are; the nothing that miraculously observes is the Nothing that we all are. It is Our Only True Life as Tennyson puts it.

Your comment above suggests an atemporality, a kind of holographic universe in which the whole is reflected in the parts, and in that sense there are no parts. All Nows are reflected in every now, or the one and the only now.

I've been saying repeatedly that the ego is illusory but a functionally necessary illusion.

As necessary as a chair perhaps.

I think we were at odds on this point before.

Can there be (so called) living without an ego?

I think so. Non-volitional, doerless living. Actions without actors.…..Accordingly it's always the case.

The recognition of dualism is necessary perhaps, but a dualism without an ego.
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Reply Wed 16 Mar, 2005 06:26 pm
val you wrote to fresco

The observer "I" can be an object in the world if "I" think about myself. I see myself doing something yesterday: but is it still "ME" that I am seeing? Or an "It"? I project my reality as a thing between things.
But still remains the "I" that observes.

If the I that observes is not an it, nor a thing, or object then it is not observable to itself. It knows itself as nothing or no'thing' in relation, in juxtaposition to some'thing', and also, I believe, knows itself without a corresponding object.

It remains, you know it by being it.

Like the eye. I can look at my eye in the mirror: then, we have two different situations: the eye reflected in the mirror, an object, a thing, and the eye that sees it and is not an object.

Right, The eye that sees is not an object and therefore not an eye.

Good to "see" you again, since the last discussion - that I enjoyed so much!

Yes val, and good to "see" you as well.

We are second and third persons to each other and when we see our selves as others see us; as visual images for example, we see ourselves as third persons not first.

Most of us have a third person self image, i.e. I am the face, head, ears, eyes etc. that you see but that I do not see.

Seeing myself as first person is to see nothing. And that's the beauty.

As Fresco suggested - and in fact, Heidegger - there is always an eye behind an eye.

And another eye behind that eye (or I) ad infinitum.

There are causes, as relations we make between the external stimulus. If you don't accept external stimulus, you don't accept anything, except your mind.
But then you say that "all is one". All? All is, in that case, you.
So, please explain better that last part of your thread.

There is only one I, so Yes all is I.

I = all others
All others = I
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Reply Wed 16 Mar, 2005 06:36 pm
Perhaps the extremely enlightened individual can manage to navigate through the practical and social circumstances of life sans ego, but the average member of our species needs it (indeed, needs it as an evolutionary survival tool), and, as I observed before, that's why it is universal. The illusion of the "ego-self" has been essential for the coordination of individuals and their relations to "objects" (which make no sense without "subjects"). An enlightened person sees though the ego; he sees that it is no more substantial than the image on a movie screen, but he's able (for the sake of living with others) to act AS IF it were real.
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Reply Wed 16 Mar, 2005 06:42 pm
Cyracuz wrote:

With sight, light is the carrier, as air is for sound. You do not see light, but the vision is made up of it. With sound, you do not hear waves, even though sound travels in that manner to your ear.

But all visions are made up of light, so then light is in fact the only thing the eye can see. All descriptions of objects you see are in reality descriptions of light, not the actual object.

Light then, is a mental construct. Do you agree?
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Reply Wed 16 Mar, 2005 06:43 pm
fresco wrote:

I( ) tend to take this fundamental issue at least four ways.

1. Such an "I" is absent most of the time but is evoked at times of potential perceptual choice. (Heideggar and/or 2nd order Cybernetics)

2. Such an "I" represents an intersection of interaction paths beteween organism and environment leading to a concept (or schema) of "self as an origin of action". (Piagetian view)

3. Such an "I" is an illusion in everyday life ....there is no "unity" only a committee of discordant "little me's" (the Gurdjieff view)

4. Such an "I" is a reflection of a transcendental "non-self" or "cosmic consciousness" (achieved according to Gurdjieff by "work" but according to Krishnamurti by "silencing the mind")

Views 1 and 2 tend to look to mathematics for potential coherence, whereas 3 and 4 encompass the seeking of "ultimate truth", or at least the rejection of dualism on the grounds of "incoherence."

Yes and as Ramana Marharshi said if you can't see your true self, who the hell can?
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Reply Wed 16 Mar, 2005 07:00 pm
Hi, moss man. That's the most that I have ever seen you write since Cav started the ladder thread.
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Reply Wed 16 Mar, 2005 07:08 pm
I'm reflecting on it JLNobody.

Does a lion have an ego?

Perhaps not, yet there is the recognition of dualism.

There's killing, loving, eating etc. yet no ego.

I think you posit ego as necessary because you cannot image some actions, events, behavior etc. taking place without an ego. Is that the case?

It may be that all and any action, behavior can take place without an ego, after all it does.
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Reply Wed 16 Mar, 2005 07:16 pm
Hi Letty

Well OH!
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Reply Wed 16 Mar, 2005 09:00 pm
Twyvel, I guess I'm thinking of all those actions (mental as well as physical) that involve manuvers such as planning, deceiving, calculating, cooperating, etc. All the kinds of actions that Lions do not need to do because of the size of their claws.
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Reply Wed 16 Mar, 2005 10:13 pm
Not to mention our symbolic dimension, i.e., culture, logic and language, all of which include agency, subjects, goals, purposes, etc., all the things involving constructs, distinctions, and EGO vs. ALTER.
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Reply Thu 17 Mar, 2005 05:06 am

Yes, you are right, it is not observable to itself. I would call that "I" the Being.
But since I know I am, and since I can only know of my self in the world - because I am always in the world, interacting with it - the quest for my Being must be made in the world, in the ways I am in the world. Even if I see myself in the world as an object of the world.

The most I distance myself from the world, the most I "veil" the Being. When I speak of THE STONE, and not this stone I have in my hand, I fall in the kind of dualism I most reject: the subject/observer in one side, the thing/category/object in other side.
In order to unveil the Being I must see the stone I interact with. Because we don't deal with things being ourselves things. We interact with given things that are "out there", but the interaction has to do with us, not the things. In fact things are related to us. I eat a fruit - or don't eat a fruit - I am frightened by an earthquake, I feel the beauty of a sunset, I suffer from the cold, I see my death in others death.
Do you see what I mean? In science, a fruit is not something to eat. A sunset has not beauty in itself. There is no cold, only degrees in a temperature scale.
But since we exist only in our presence in the world, the Being is behind the eatable fruit, the cold, the beauty. Because all those things are in us (I don't mean that the fruit, the sunset, don't exist by themselves; but our interaction with them starts in us).
Eating a fruit, it is Val/object eating a fruit/object. But behind that Val there is my Being, what I am but cannot reach.
There is only an "eye" that sees the eye in the mirror. Not the eye
/organ, but what makes me notice that I am seeing the eye/reflection/object.

And that Being is in me, not in the "all" or other metaphysical delusions.

I know you don't agree with this. Nor does JL Nobody. But I can only speak of the Being without any metaphysical reference. Kant in the first "Critique", Wittgenstein in his "Tratactus" and Heidegger in "Sein und Zeit" rejected metaphysics. I agree with them.
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Reply Thu 17 Mar, 2005 05:33 pm
Val, I enjoyed struggling with your well-presented (what to me is an existentialist) model of the human condition. I do not reject it just because it differs from my model. Models of Reality are formulas designed in the end to make us feel good (existentially or metaphysically). Reality is a word for that which is the case, whether or not we realize it (I guess that makes me a metaphysical objectivist, but only with regard to Ultimate Reality). I do believe that ultimately neither of our models realizes the case. I take pleasure from thinking that the "Being" which you say is you but that you cannot reach, is the "all" in the sense of the Hindu notion of Atman. That notion simply rings a bell in me; I would not present that subjective sense as evidence for you to accept; it is my evidence. As they say in Mexico, "cada cabeza es un mundo" (every head/mind is a world/reality) (that makes me a metaphysical subjectivist). By metaphysics I do not intend the study of a realm beyond physical or observable reality; I refer to the study of our most fundamental presuppositions)
By the way, it is the Stone and the Being that I most firmly reject. They sound too Platonic or "metaphysical" (otherworldly) if you ask me. The Hindu Brahman and Atman are to be taken only as metaphors, not as metaphysical Idea-things. The Stone, like Beauty, Truth, Chair are reifications of terms evolving etymologically from pointings and grunts to refined concepts, but not givens from the pen of Plato's Grand Architect. Real rocks are all different; Stone is unitary. You may agree. I'm not sure I understood your point there. But "objects" as "beings" trouble me. To me "things" of that nature are purely abstract. Abstract the color, taste, weight, shape, texture and all other sensible "properties" from an apple and you remain, according to popular thought, with a bare "thing." Thingness exists only in the mind, not in the world.
I do like your interactionism, however. All my experience is a function of the interaction between me and the stimuli of my environment. But that is only a way of thinking about the field of experience. Ultimately, "me", "stimuli" and "environment" are one. To me that is not a metaphysical notion; it is experienced; it is a perspective.
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Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2005 10:43 am
to it. But how could it?

That the ego makes a difference is just another idea arriving on the scene.

I understand that you mean, when consciousness (or whatever) identifies itself to the body, and a sense of separation sets in, the belief of ego is born as that separation. Which learns through the observation of supposed others that it is not them, and in fact is in competition with them. That process appears to be universal through the passing on ignorance. Though I doubt ego identity is necessary to discern distinctions in order to get through a day, or for that matter, a life.

We are in the process, of unlearning that ego-lie,…….and then Bang goes the door of the gateless gate.
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Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2005 11:15 am

If the I that observes is not an it, nor a thing, or object then it is not observable to itself.

Yes, you are right, it is not observable to itself.
In order to unveil the Being I must see the stone I interact with. Because we don't deal with things being ourselves things. We interact with given things that are "out there", but the interaction has to do with us, not the things. In fact things are related to us. I eat a fruit - or don't eat a fruit - I am frightened by an earthquake, I feel the beauty of a sunset, I suffer from the cold, I see my death in others death.
Do you see what I mean? In science, a fruit is not something to eat. A sunset has not beauty in itself. There is no cold, only degrees in a temperature scale.
But since we exist only in our presence in the world, the Being is behind the eatable fruit, the cold, the beauty. Because all those things are in us (I don't mean that the fruit, the sunset, don't exist by themselves; but our interaction with them starts in us).

Yes I understand what you are saying. Interpretation and meaning are not IN things or objects. Objects or what appears as observed 'things' are a function of and determined by what we are. They are in this sense, us.

Eating a fruit, it is Val/object eating a fruit/object. But behind that Val there is my Being, what I am but cannot reach.
There is only an "eye" that sees the eye in the mirror. Not the eye
/organ, but what makes me notice that I am seeing the eye/reflection/object.

That's what's baffling when looking into a mirror. The reflection is not the reflection of what is looking.

I've heard that some schizophrenics are afraid to look into a mirror for the fear of seeing nothing reflected. They are afraid of their own non-existence. Maybe they are more in touch then most with their true nature,.....but fail to recognize it.

And that Being is in me, not in the "all" or other metaphysical delusions.

Unfortunately (or not) if you follow your reasoning val
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Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2005 08:55 pm
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Reply Sun 20 Mar, 2005 01:40 pm

Thanks JLNobody.

I guess I'm thinking of all those actions (mental as well as physical) that involve manuvers such as planning, deceiving, calculating, cooperating, etc. All the kinds of actions that Lions do not need to do because of the size of their claws.

Ego is the way we characterize ourselves as objects interacting with a world of other objects. Lions also interact with "objects" instinctively, but our processes of interaction are so complex and subtle and extra-instinctual they require a false but useful symbolic presumption of objects. As the central or master object, we presuppose ourself to be a subject/ego/self.
We both hold that there is no specific or concrete subject of experience, but we seem to uphold this thesis differently. You say that instead of a "me" there is NOTHING. I say that instead of a "me" there is EVERYTHING. But we still agree: If I am everything (my position), I am no-thing (your position); if I am nothing (your position), it is because I am Everything (my position). This is a very crude way of putting it, of course, because there are no "things" in the world, only in our heads. I can only strive for approximations. Indeed, when we attempt to grasp such issues conceptually or intellectually we are doing liitle more than mythologizing as usefully as possible.

Yes we're just stressing different aspects.

Nissargatadda's observation that , "When you see your self as a body other bodies appear," can be extended to the observation that when you see yourself (abstractly) as an object, other objects appear.
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