val you wrote to
Quote:The observer "I" can be an object in the world if "I" think about myself. I see myself doing something yesterday: but is it still "ME" that I am seeing? Or an "It"? I project my reality as a thing between things.
But still remains the "I" that observes.
If the I that observes is not an it, nor a thing, or object then it is not observable to itself. It knows itself as nothing or no'thing' in relation, in juxtaposition to some'thing', and also, I believe, knows itself without a corresponding object.
It remains, you know it by being it.
Quote:Like the eye. I can look at my eye in the mirror: then, we have two different situations: the eye reflected in the mirror, an object, a thing, and the eye that sees it and is not an object.
Right, The eye that sees is not an object and therefore not an eye.
Quote: Good to "see" you again, since the last discussion - that I enjoyed so much!
val, and good to "see" you as well.
We are second and third persons to each other and when we see our selves as others see us; as visual images for example, we see ourselves as third persons not first.
Most of us have a third person self image, i.e. I am the face, head, ears, eyes etc. that you see but that I do not see.
Seeing myself as first person is to see nothing. And that's the beauty.
Quote:As Fresco suggested - and in fact, Heidegger - there is always an eye behind an eye.
And another eye behind that eye (or I) ad infinitum.
Quote: There are causes, as relations we make between the external stimulus. If you don't accept external stimulus, you don't accept anything, except your mind.
But then you say that "all is one". All? All is, in that case, you.
So, please explain better that last part of your thread.
There is only one I, so Yes all is I.
I = all others
All others = I