Whoa, a lot of new development here since my last visit.
JLnobody and everybody, regarding our answers to eachother. I cannot say you are wrong in that I sometimes respond in a very subjective understanding to your questions and statements. I do not think I actually know something you don't. I just know different ways of saying things and thinking about them.
This, I believe is the whole intention of this excercise. I do not believe in absolute or objective truth, but I believe that we can share our subjective views in order to expand them to better accomodate eachother. After all, we have to live together, brothers and sisters..
At the risk of offending someone, I'd say that this argument has lapsed into it's usual course. We are back at arguing over the chicken and egg, as I see it, though I confess, this early in the day, I only have one eye open.
JLnobody wrote:
Quote:"I see God with the same eye that God sees me."
Great quote. To me there is little doubt that the relationship between the thinker and the thought is the very relationship between the mind and the world. In discussion we treat the two as separate more often than not. Why is that when plainly their evolution has been hand in hand? One could not be without the other.
Letty, from where does the notion stem that I am a woman?