singlesucks13 wrote:
No job experience. I applied to alot of jobs and only got one interview and got denied a chance when I said I have no experience when it comes to working at a grocery store stocking shelves.
What entry level position have you been applying for? Positions where experience isn't a requirement? I suspect your lack of experience may not have been the actual determination for not getting interviews or land a job after that one particular interview.
Could you be glossing over some important details (intentional or otherwise) in your posting history at this forum that may actually be hindering your job search IRL?
Do you have copious amounts of tattoos? A tendency to spit and swear randomly?
You seem to be carrying a monstrous burden of a lot of things going wrong in your life. It's been mentioned (I believe) ad nauseum in the past but you really need unemployment and mental health counseling. If you already have it... you have to either follow their instructions to a T or if you are doing so... find replacements for them as they're not helping you at all. And you MUST NOT let pride get in the way.