Shep Smith: Journalists are not the enemy of the people

cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 9 Sep, 2018 10:36 am
@Real Music,
How to remove the "fake news" is to remove Trump from office. That will also save our republic and the world.
Reply Sun 9 Sep, 2018 10:42 am
@cicerone imposter,
That will also save our republic and the world.

You really do not have a clue, do you?
Reply Sun 9 Sep, 2018 11:02 am
@cicerone imposter,
How to remove the "fake news" is to remove Trump from office. That will also save our republic and the world.

Why are you maintaining your position of studied ignorance, ci. You are studiously avoiding all the fake news put out by US MSM about the science and events of 9/11.

Do you understand what impossible means?

Impossible is Arab hijackers melting/vaporizing WTC structural steel.

Do you agree or not with the above sentence?

Would you deny still pictures and video evidence of molten/vaporized WTC structural steel if you saw it with your own eyes?

Would you deny molten/vaporized WTC structural steel if the US government agency FEMA presented pictures and a description of molten/vaporized WTC structural steel?

0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Sep, 2018 11:30 am
You really do not have a clue, do you?

There is that stunningly hypocritical finger pointing of Dems and Repugs when they actually have a clue, when they know that their MSM, right and left, has lied their asses off to cover up what is the most transparent of US lies, the FAKE US government 9/11 fable.

I asked ci the following questions and I ask the same of you, cj.

1. Do you understand what impossible means?

Impossible is Arab hijackers melting/vaporizing WTC structural steel.

2. Do you agree or not with the above sentence?

3. Would you deny still pictures and video evidence of molten/vaporized WTC structural steel if you saw it with your own eyes?

4. Would you deny molten/vaporized WTC structural steel if the US government agency FEMA presented pictures and a description of molten/vaporized WTC structural steel?
Reply Sun 9 Sep, 2018 12:04 pm
Your posts belong here. Laughing Laughing Laughing
Reply Sun 9 Sep, 2018 12:13 pm
Why are you so frightened about answering a few questions, cj? You are not at all confident in US governments'/US MSM/US right wing MSM lies about 9/11, are you?

Why do you think such a solid story like the USGOCT has no evidence to support it?

Why are people like you so ignorant of the science and actual events of 9/11?

Can't y'all remember anything about the things your governments tell you?

This kind of child like unquestioning adoration is not good for adults or a "democracy".
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Reply Sun 9 Sep, 2018 04:44 pm
Even posting such small things like yours sets him off on a rant (as this no doubt will). He doesn't recognise when people won't engage his nonsense anymore.

My view is: he responds to everything because he believes that by responding to everything, even simple claims like this, that he is making a point. He is making a point...though it's not the point he thinks he's making. His behaviour just reinforces the first paragraph.

I agree though that he should post in a dedicated thread. I'm come to the conclusion he won't because he's afraid no one will visit it, so he bombs other threads looking for converts.

This thread was actually interesting before he showed up and diverted it off topic.
Reply Sun 9 Sep, 2018 07:35 pm
This thread was actually interesting before he showed up and diverted it off topic.

There are certainly lots of opinions on Islam. I just know the one that matters is Muhammad's.
Reply Sun 9 Sep, 2018 07:57 pm
For Islamists yes. Many, before the internet, grew up learning Islam purely from their Imams. The west had put great pressure on Islam to veer away from it's jihadist persuasion, so many, probably the majority, grew up believing it to be a religion of peace (this term was first coined in the 1930's)

It's no coincidence that fundamentalisation / radicalisation has become more severe in the age of the internet (and not just for Islam).

But that's not the topic of this thread.
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Reply Sun 9 Sep, 2018 09:06 pm
vikorr, why would anybody who is honest, believe anything you say when your entire time when you were engaged on the issue of 9/11, you never once honestly addressed anything?

You willingly engaged on the topic and in all that time you never once were able to provide one piece of evidence for the USGOCT. You came on like you had some knowledge, which you most certainly did not. You got your ass handed to you in a couple of posts and that was it for the grand coward.

You still have no conception of the word 'impossible' or equally as likely you just are so patently dishonest. At least as dishonest as coldjoint, Setanta, bernie, beth, ... livinglava, who pulled the same stunts as you did.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Sep, 2018 09:34 pm
camlok wrote:

Yes, you most certainly are obsessed with it, ll, until you came to realize that there is no evidence for the USGOCT and volumes of evidence against it.

An obsession is clinging to the impossible. You cling to the crazy idea that there were hijackers, when all the science shows that there were no hijackers.

I don't cling to anything, really. I read and contemplate all possibilities that come to my attention, and I contemplate the various possible interests that favor certain narratives for certain reasons, e.g. islamophobia, nationalism, etc.

So incredibly lame. What present context?? Nothing is as important as the seminal event that has unleashed all the US government lies about Muslim.

The present context is to consider what Trump might have legitimately meant when he described the media as inimical to 'the people.' I think it really just boils down to a failure to adequately respect the full political spectrum in their representations and analyses.

You don't have to agree with someone or some party in order to want to understand in earnest why they think and believe the way they do. What the media mostly do instead is filter their accounts through their political biases in order to represent 'the enemy' in ways that propagate the ideology they side with. In this sense, you could say they are an 'enemy' to the people because they propagate bias instead of facilitating sincere and deep understanding of diverse views, beliefs, paradigms, etc.

For democracy to work, we have to put effort into understanding others who think and believe differently from ourselves, even while we put effort into promoting our own views vis-a-vis others'.
Reply Sun 9 Sep, 2018 09:43 pm
I don't cling to anything, really.

You have made a 180 degree turn, solely because, the science and the evidence against the USGOCT was too damning .

You did exactly what vikorr did, your intellectual cowardliness and the high levels of cognitive dissonance had you two, and others do your 180s.

I read and contemplate all possibilities that come to my attention, ...

A total lie. You never once addressed any of the impossibilities of the USGOCT. You, and everyone else, knows that to do so means eliminating the impossible, the USGOCT.

Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth. -- Arthur Conan Doyle

The lie about hijackers is impossible, so we can eliminate them from the 9/11 scenario. What remains is the unimpeachable evidence against whatever portion of the US government it was that blew up WTCs 1, 2 & 7 with US nanothermite.

We know this was the case on 9/11 because both unreacted particles of US nanothermite and the by products of those explosions were found in abundance in WTC dust.

You do know that nanothermite can be painted or sprayed on and ignited by various remote control signals. It can be tailored to be as noisy or as quiet as one likes.
Reply Mon 10 Sep, 2018 03:00 am
People saying that it can't be done, Letting media distort the 'news' should read this book:


After reading your 'media' landscape will never be the same!

Reply Mon 10 Sep, 2018 03:08 am
And if people want to go deeper into this rabbithole, and deep it goes! Read:

"The commitee of 300" by Dr. John Coleman.



Can you imagine an all powerful group, that knows no national boundaries, above the laws of all countries, one that controls every aspect of politics, religion, commerce and industry, banking, insurance, mining, the drug trade, the petroleum industry, a group answerable to no oneā€ˆbut its members? To the vast majority of us, such a group would appear to be beyond the realms of possibilities and capabilities of any given organization. If that is what you believe, then you are in the majority. The conception of a secret, elite group exercising control of every aspect of our lives is beyond our comprehension. Americans are prone to say, "It can't happen here, our Constitution forbids it." That there is such a body, called "The committee of 300," is graphically told in this book. When most people attempt to address our problems, they speak or write about "they"; this book tells precisely who "they" are, and what "TheY" have planned for our future, how "they" have been at war with the American nation for 50 years, a war which we are on the brink of losing, what methods "They" use and exactly how "they" have brainwashed us. If you are Puzzled and perplexed as to why things are occurring that we as a nation don't like yet seem powerless to prevent, why it is that the United States always seems to back the wrong horse, Why the united states is in a depression from which it will not emerge, why our former social and moral values have been turned aside and seemingly buried; if you are confused by the many conspiracy theories, the conSPirators' hierarchy: the committee of 300 will clearly establish that these conditions have been deliberately created to bring us to our knees. Once you have read the applying truths contained in this book, understanding past and present political, economic, social and religious events will no longer be a problem. This powerful account of the forces ranged against the United States, and indeed the entire free world, cannot be ignored.
Reply Mon 10 Sep, 2018 06:14 am
Reply Mon 10 Sep, 2018 08:49 am
You're talking to yourself, vikorr, not the sign of a mentally healthy person.

Ask yourself, vikorr.

How come I can't provide one speck of evidence for the USGOCT? How come I continue to delude myself into thinking that the USGOCT has any veracity whatsoever?
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cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 10 Sep, 2018 10:25 am
It's very simple to determine if the media is telling the truth. There are many credible media reporters "out there" that will keep us informed.
A free press is necessary in a democracy. That's the reason why Trump calls them "fake news." If you can't figure that out, you're in a bad place. One biased book against all the other media reporters who we can trust is no contest. Shep Smith has it right. There's good reason why we know Trump is a pathological liar, bigot, and not fit to be our president. I trust Woodward over you any day of the week.
Reply Mon 10 Sep, 2018 10:55 am
@cicerone imposter,
so, you don't get it, eh?!
Reply Mon 10 Sep, 2018 12:03 pm
@cicerone imposter,
It's very simple to determine if the media is telling the truth.

Ain't that the truth, ci. And you know full well that they aren't. They lied, they regularly call people names that better fit them and the brainwashed folks who lap up the pablum they and the USGOCT provide you.

People, like you, and all the other totally brainwashed A2Kers who still believe the impossible US government fable about 9/11, are not in any position to be making any adult decisions, because you obviously are not adults.

Adults are supposed to think rationally and make decisions based on science and the truth.

Every sentient, sensible adult [are you one?] knows full well that the molten/vaporized WTC structural steel is impossible to the USGOCT.

It means that the three towers were blown up, NOT by "hijackers", but by the ONLY people who have sole possession of nanothermite [US government] which was found in large volumes in WTC dust.

The by products/residue of that nanothermite was also found in large volumes by independent scientists, RJLee Group, a forensic engineering firm hired by Deutsche Bank, the USGS [do you know who they are?]. About 6% of WTC dust was iron microspheres, which means that a lot of nanothermite was used.

Nanothermite was what created the long lasting fires in the buried rubble because it provides its own oxygen. It will even burn underwater.

Why Didn't Millions of Gallons of Water Put Out the Ground Zero Fires?

4 million gallons of water were dropped on Ground Zero within the first 10 days after September 11, according to the U.S. Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories:

"Approximately three million gallons of water were hosed on site in the fire-fighting efforts, and 1 million gallons fell as rainwater, between 9/11 and 9/21 .... "

The spraying continued for months afterward (the 10 day period was simply the time frame in which the DOE was sampling). Enormous amounts of water were hosed on Ground Zero continuously, day and night:

"firetrucks [sprayed] a nearly constant jet of water on [ground zero]. You couldn't even begin to imagine how much water was pumped in there," said Tom Manley of the Uniformed Firefighters Association, the largest fire department union. "It was like you were creating a giant lake."


Moreover, the fires were sprayed with thousands of gallons of high tech fire-retardants.

And yet, the world trade center fire was "the longest-burning structural fire in history". The temperatures were so high that there was molten metal at ground zero for months after 9/11.

Why didn't the enormous quantities of water and fire-retardant sprayed at Ground Zero put out the fires? How could fires and molten metal have burned for months, when fires from normal office and building materials and available sources of oxygen should have been doused by all of the water?

Dr. Steven Jones gives one possibility:
"Thermite contains its own supply of oxygen and so the reaction cannot be smothered, even with water".


[bolded is mine]

0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Sep, 2018 12:45 pm
Shep Smith: Journalists are not the enemy of the people

As this thread has clearly and unequivocally shown, Shep Smith is totally full of ****!

Look at all the "adults" who slurp up Shep's and other MSM reporters' bullshit. They can't even participate in a discussion about science and facts.

They abhor science and the scientific process.

They have a zero sense of logic, they simply swallow the crap they are fed, gobbling it up like little children.

The total absence of any rational, adult like thought from those who lap up MSM illustrates clearly just how vacuous are western societies and the vast majority of their citizens.

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