Shep Smith: Journalists are not the enemy of the people

Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2018 11:23 am
Have you considered that the US is under siege by the global social-economic empire to subjugate it into serving global corporate interests and that is the cause of war?

More utter claptrap. The cause of all the recent world wide warring is the USA, which, made up the huge false flag event of 9/11, blaming Muslims and countries that had nothing to do with USA government's attacks on WTC and its own people.

You still haven't provided any, not one piece of evidence to show that the USA did not attack its own WTC and its own people.

While I keep showing how the MSM helps succeeding governments working against the interests of the people.

But it is more than just the MSM. It is huge swaths of lying US citizens that allow and support these government crimes against the world and its citizens.

US citizens who can't provide one speck of evidence to support the USGOCT. Has there ever been a deeper, grander delusion than this one?
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2018 11:26 am
You still haven't provided any, not one piece of evidence to show that the USA did not attack its own WTC and its own people.

Of course not. You won't get it, because there very simply is NO evidence for that at all.
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2018 11:26 am
You still haven't provided any, not one piece of evidence to show that the USA did not attack its own WTC and its own people.

Of course not. You won't get it, because there very simply is NO evidence for that at all.

But luckily we have the (mainstream) media on our site, Hmm


what a world!
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Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2018 11:40 am
All the lies of MSM, the US government, willfully blind citizens, totally debunked in 18 short, concise minutes, OG.

This video shows how all the competing experts who supported the totally lame US government fable got so so so much of the science and the facts wrong.

9/11 Theories: Expert vs. Expert


Of course, this was all part of the overall cover up. And no, it wasn't some grand scheme where "everyone" was in on it, it is part of the usual overall grand scheme where, for some crazy reason, people defend the USA on everything even though the historical record does not.

Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2018 11:54 am
yes , btw I found a very good quote in that link!

Here it is:

Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2018 12:05 pm
We really have to grow up!

We consistently elect [political] candidates who tell us what children would want to hear. Children want to hear that everything is okay, that little is required of them, that they can go out and play or watch TV, and that they’ll be taken care of and protected. In exchange, they are expected to be seen and not heard, to pay their taxes, and to not question the authorities.”

I didn't wrote it will be easy. It will be a very difficult and long process for a lot of people here,

They have to give up their precious worldview which can be a very painfull and very long process.

I feel for them.
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Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2018 12:18 pm
"Most people prefer to believe their leaders are just and fair even in the face of evidence to the contrary, because once a citizen acknowledges that the government under which they live is lying and corrupt, the citizen has to choose what he or she will do about it. To take action in the face of a corrupt government entails risks of harm to life and loved ones. To choose to do nothing is to surrender one's self-image of standing for principles. Most people do not have the courage to face that choice. Hence, most propaganda is not designed to fool the critical thinker but only to give moral cowards an excuse not to think at all." - Michael Rivero

A truly fantastic insight by Mr Rivero, OG. I took the liberty of reposting the quote from another source because I wasn't able to copy and paste yours from your post.

He describes every person here who has pretended to "defend" the US government official conspiracy theory to a T.

I have wondered, a lot, how people can so steadfastly deny stark truths and even starker science.

This is especially true of the gentleman here at A2K who makes big claims to being an actual scientist, but his dishonesty and unscientific behavior is so glaring that one has to wonder if everything he says isn't just a big lie.

When just one of the impossibilities of the USGOCT is enough to sink the whole flimsy USG charade, it says some very very awful awful things about our western societies as a whole.

Especially considering there are multiple impossibilities in the USGOCT and NO evidence for it!

We are supposed to be the light of truth for the world.

Such incredible nonsense!

All totally hidden by the MSM. And what is worse, the truth tellers are ridiculed by that same media.
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2018 12:22 pm
camlok wrote:

Have you considered that the US is under siege by the global social-economic empire to subjugate it into serving global corporate interests and that is the cause of war?

More utter claptrap. The cause of all the recent world wide warring is the USA, which, made up the huge false flag event of 9/11, blaming Muslims and countries that had nothing to do with USA government's attacks on WTC and its own people.

You still haven't provided any, not one piece of evidence to show that the USA did not attack its own WTC and its own people.

While I keep showing how the MSM helps succeeding governments working against the interests of the people.

But it is more than just the MSM. It is huge swaths of lying US citizens that allow and support these government crimes against the world and its citizens.

US citizens who can't provide one speck of evidence to support the USGOCT. Has there ever been a deeper, grander delusion than this one?

You just don't get it. It would be meaningless to say that "the USA attacked its own WTC and its own people" because there is not unity in the US. There are global economic interests that divide people and use them to exploit their 'countrymen.' In fact, what you are implying is that there should be unity among US citizens, which in itself is nothing more than a nationalist call to unity.

Read about the attack on Fort McHenry by British warships again and try to understand that there are global economic interests that are behind acts of terrorism for purposes of manipulating politics and economy. In the war of 1812, the bombing came from British ships outside the harbors, but in 2001 they came from passenger airline jets controlled by who knows who, supposedly traceable to Al Qaeda and Osama Bin Ladin, but who were the ultimate puppeteers behind that attack or any other? We cannot know because the ability to create multiple firewalls and false-redirects are so advanced with modern technology.

What I am trying to explain is that there are simple patterns of economic interest that put people in conflict with others and themselves regardless of national or other corporate membership. There is economic interdependency, which drives people to lure others into greater dependency and spending, often by any means. Unnecessary products are produced and sold to make money because of economic dependency. That is why tea and stamps were sold and taxed along with other things during the period before the US revolution; and it is why everything from drug/human trafficking to autos/auto-parts/oil are built and traded globally.

What's more is that if the Trump tariffs are successful at weaning global interests away from directly producing cars and car parts abroad and exporting them to the US, US-based automakers may take over the roll of exploiting US consumers domestically by selling the same products in the same markets. This is because exploitation is lucrative whether it is done across national borders or within them. Once you start to see the big picture of how economic exploitation works and how maleable it is to shifting power-relations, you can begin to understand what has to be done to reduce it.
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2018 12:49 pm
You just don't get it. It would be meaningless to say that "the USA attacked its own WTC and its own people" because there is not unity in the US. There are global economic interests that divide people and use them to exploit their 'countrymen.' In fact, what you are implying is that there should be unity among US citizens, which in itself is nothing more than a nationalist call to unity.

These questions of "how fucked up is the USA, really?", are of no interest to me.

I don't much like conceited, arrogant, uncaring, unfeeling, mean, always focused on themselves people. Which obviously doesn't simply describe Americans though they hold the lion's share of those ugly traits of human nature.

Why are you dancing around the most important issue, the central concern of our time? You do actually know that there were no Arab hijackers and the USG fable is one long panoply of lies, murder, mayhem, war crimes, terrorism, ... .

Still not one piece of evidence for the USGOCT.

Still denying science and reality, not to mention the truth with your silly, planned distractions.

Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2018 01:31 pm
camlok wrote:

These questions of "how fucked up is the USA, really?", are of no interest to me.

I don't much like conceited, arrogant, uncaring, unfeeling, mean, always focused on themselves people. Which obviously doesn't simply describe Americans though they hold the lion's share of those ugly traits of human nature.

Ok, so you are just racist against all US people, the same as white racists stereotype all minority-identified individuals as uniformly portraying negative stereotypes associated with the group identity.

I hope you realize that there is no group in the world that can't be portrayed using negative collective stereotypes in the way you are doing here.

Why are you dancing around the most important issue, the central concern of our time? You do actually know that there were no Arab hijackers and the USG fable is one long panoply of lies, murder, mayhem, war crimes, terrorism, ... .

What is the 'central concern of our time' and who decides that? You? The same conspirators who generated the event?

Still denying science and reality, not to mention the truth with your silly, planned distractions.

No, I am trying to discuss real issues and not get stuck myopically on one instance of terrorism.
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2018 01:52 pm
What is the 'central concern of our time' and who decides that? You? The same conspirators who generated the event?

The portion of the US government that planned and executed this false flag event. The same "portion" that murdered 2,996, westerners, USians usually only talk about 9/11 victims as Americans, highlighting their conceited nature.

No, I am trying to discuss real issues and not get stuck myopically on one instance of terrorism.

That one instance of terrorism is awfully important considering it was the US government attacking its own citizens and other equally important people, and the WTC.

It is even more important because it was used as a pretext to illegally invading sovereign nations and murdering how many millions of innocents.

Just considering the number of innocents slaughtered and your total reluctance to face these realities, AGAIN, highlights the incredible conceit that is so central to the USA and its people.

Your inability to provide any evidence for the USGOCT illustrates your agenda, which is to distract, obfuscate, turn attention away from reality - the US government planned and carried out the attacks on NYC/Washington/... on September 11, 2001.

A total lie because you can't even focus enough to address any of the myriad impossibilities that show, unequivocally, that the fable about Arab hijackers "attacking our freedoms" is the usual pure USA crap.
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Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2018 01:53 pm
Ok, so you are just racist against all US people,

More of your red herrings.
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2018 02:00 pm
I have wondered, a lot, how people can so steadfastly deny stark truths and even starker science.

Ok, this here explains a lot about that!

The Truth is Not Enough
How to Overcome Emotional Barriers to 9/11 Truth


an excerpt:

Why So Much Resistance to 9/11 Truth?

Such reactions are emotionally based. 9/11 is a very emotionally charged issue. The source of the denial and resistance is FEAR. The implications of 9/11 Truth are very scary for most people to take in. Given that a part of our government’s job description is keeping its citizens safe, it’s terrifying to consider that a secret rogue part of our government will do just the opposite – mass murder those very citizens, in order to advance dark agendas – like wars for corporate empire. To further consider that associated ‘secret teams’ would then put out in corporate media cover-up stories, in the form of an elaborate fantasy story backed up with planted evidence, and to think that story was nearly universally accepted without question – this is the stuff of nightmares.
Then there is the difficulty of accepting the self-image shattering realization that we were duped by such cover story lies. 9/11 Truth suggests a very uncomfortable and disturbing worldview, especially to those new to such concepts. The intensity of fear brought up by these vast implications causes defense mechanisms to take over our rational thought processes. Such denial most often overrides rationality.

There are a lot of problems involved.
The biggest one to me seems the "Domino effect"
If one questions one theory (like 9-11) what about everything else?

The people who can't see it yet have to be kept away from these ideas.
Hence a lot of ridicule, to make people afraid for speaking out.

Their problem: some people don't care to be ridiculed, including me!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2018 04:26 pm
camlok wrote:

Ok, so you are just racist against all US people,

More of your red herrings.

This is what you said:
I don't much like conceited, arrogant, uncaring, unfeeling, mean, always focused on themselves people. Which obviously doesn't simply describe Americans though they hold the lion's share of those ugly traits of human nature.

If you're not racist against Americans, then why single them out instead of just saying there are people like that everywhere?

Liberty and self-governance is the ethic associated with the US and it is good, regardless of which people support or oppose it and how/why. The will to exercise imperial power to control others to subjugate them into global economic servitude is the reason liberty is hated by those who hate it.

Free people can choose to care about other people and help them in various ways, but not when they are being manipulated in order to force them to by means of economic subjugation.
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2018 04:56 pm
You still have not provided one piece of evidence to support the USGOCT.

Why are you not honest enough to admit that you know you can't provide any evidence to support the USGOCT because there isn't any?

Why are so dishonest that you cannot address all the myriad impossibilities of the USGOCT?

Reply Sun 9 Sep, 2018 06:21 am
camlok wrote:

You still have not provided one piece of evidence to support the USGOCT.

Why are you not honest enough to admit that you know you can't provide any evidence to support the USGOCT because there isn't any?

Why are so dishonest that you cannot address all the myriad impossibilities of the USGOCT?

I am not that interested in this one issue you are obsessed with. Why can't you discuss this issue of journalists being enemies of the people in the present context?
Reply Sun 9 Sep, 2018 08:23 am
Consider a simple thesis: the problem with journalism is the problem with everything else: i.e. that people put money and politics ahead of fundamental principles. When journalists remember what the fundamental, politically-neutral values of journalism are, journalism will once again serve the people by serving their liberty to govern themselves based on the highest quality information.
Real Music
Reply Sun 9 Sep, 2018 09:09 am
Reply Sun 9 Sep, 2018 09:20 am
I am not that interested in this one issue you are obsessed with.

Yes, you most certainly are obsessed with it, ll, until you came to realize that there is no evidence for the USGOCT and volumes of evidence against it.

An obsession is clinging to the impossible. You cling to the crazy idea that there were hijackers, when all the science shows that there were no hijackers.

Why can't you discuss this issue of journalists being enemies of the people in the present context?

So incredibly lame. What present context?? Nothing is as important as the seminal event that has unleashed all the US government lies about Muslim.

And who is it that has been at the forefront, ignoring science and truth, to support these vicious US governments lies. Mostly USA MSM.

They [and you] are covering up the murders of millions of innocents outside the USA and the murders of 2,996 westerners, the majority USians and you lamely pretend that you are not interested. That is the same lame excuse many make because they simply will not face the stark realities.

Your fear, and I understand it, is palpable.

Reply Sun 9 Sep, 2018 09:24 am
Consider a simple thesis: the problem with journalism is the problem with everything else: i.e. that people put money and politics ahead of fundamental principles.

Yup, money ahead of the lives of millions. The press is totally abusing their position for the simple reason that the press is charged with the responsibility of questioning everything, not simply acquiescing to a whole bunch of patently obvious US government lies.

Which is what you and your fellow citizens are also doing, abdicating your responsibilities as citizens and supporting murder and many other vicious, heinous crimes.
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