maxdancona wrote:
This is the reason that Trump is president. If the Democrats attack voters, they can't be surprised when they go for the other party.
Don't forget that the OP took the first stab here max: 'I have faced personal and professional backlash and been threatened and harassed for standing up for the right to life, and the right for both the father and the child to have a say in this matter.
The liberals are viscous and unscrupulous and will do anything and everything to bully and intimidate those who oppose them.'
Hardly the words of a 'beacon of moral fortitude', and precisely the type of abrasive, inflammatory language that will raise the hackles of many a person. And they might just reply in kind.
Abortion should never be used as some sort of 'morning after' birth control, or so I believe. However, apart from that, I'm glad it exists. There are far more aspects to a pregnancy than just carrying your child to term: it's nine months out of a woman's life, and in those nine months the fact that one is pregnant usually is quite visible. That can have negative consequences for income and social standing for the woman. Which becomes especially sour if the child is the consequence of rape. And rarely do these 'beacons of moral fortitude' offer a helping hand to such woman: usually, they do no more than lift one finger, so they can point the woman out and condemn her for the 'harlot she must be'.