First of all, these are the points that I am stating as fact. You may hold me to these points.
1. There is a undeniable right of a woman to make medical decisions concerning her own body.
2. Abortion ends a life. In the first several weeks the fetus becomes an independent being with its own heartbeat and nervous system and the ability to respond to stimulus. Abortion results in the death of this fetus.
3. We live in a democratic society. As a society we need laws banning practices that we judge to be morally unacceptable, and we have a democrat process with checks and balances to decide what these laws are.
I believe that these three things are facts. If you disagree with any of these first three points, it might be interesting to discuss. No one has contested any of these three points so far.
The problem is that deciding where you stand on abortion involves complex moral questions. They don't have the simple objective answers you want. People can agree on the facts and still disagree on what the appropriate policy should be
These questions are based on moral values.
1. When does life begin?
2. Under what circumstances is it morally acceptable to take a life?
3. At what point in development does a fetus become a human being?
These are difficult questions to which there are more than two answers.