Right now I'm waiting for the fallout of Iran being subject to a change in government.
Biblically speaking, Israel is supposed to move to a time when the country thinks it has peace and safety. That means to me that the Palestinians either have to move or worse, and Iran has to fall as a terrorist regime.
ISIS did their job, according to my understanding of eschatology, and that was to destroy the borders of Iraq and Syria. The Arab Spring helped all that along, combined by the feckless international policies and inaction of the Obama administration. That ISIS would be removed after their damage, makes perfect sense to me. Not that they cannot have hidden cells in and around that northern Middle Eastern area, but that they no longer hold power there.
The ineptness of Iraq is understandable, the emergence of the Kurds a reason for me to hope that the prophesies concerning the future of the Levant is right on course.
To answer your main question, there is no "we". The views on what is possible as far as eschatology goes is too diverse, too fragmented, and too resented. Many of those who believe in Jesus aren't even going to like what I just said, some of them even still believe that the EU is the Revelation 13 prophesied first Beast. I tend to think that the first Beast of Revelation 13 is not indicating that European area, the line saying, "like the feet of a Bear" indicates that the Beast stands up in an area similar to the ancient Persian Empire, as Revelation 13 uses Daniel 7 imagery.
I know it is a complicated bunch of information, but it is the information I am dealing with in this time.