Mon 11 Jun, 2018 09:01 pm
I was at this japanese restaurant and I tried this type of sushi that gave me food poisoning. I forgot the name of the dish but I really want to remember so I can warn my friends about it for future reference. What I remember about it was rice wrapped in seaweed and had a brown, mushy type of thing on top. All I know is, it had a foreign name and it’s a type of sushi that I ate at my local Jap restaurant. Am planning to confront them about it but I need to remember the name first though. Please help me!
You could have been served a bad batch of WASA FUGEEZIS
You're going to warn your friends about a particular dish served at a restaurant and not the restaurant itself. That's perverse.
Also Jap is a pejorative term, if you don't want people to think you're a bigot it's best not to use it.
no, I finally figured out what it was. It's sea urchin. LOL
Sushi can give you food poisoning that's one reason I do not eat it. As faras I am aware there are standards for what should be served as sushi. I believe that the food standards are higher but then again it could just be poor food hygiene at the restaurant.