Are you spiritual?

Reply Sun 3 Jun, 2018 07:06 am
My christian religion differs from that of islam yet the best description I ever heard for the existence of God came from a muslim. He said that people could say there was no God, but he didn't believe them. He didn't believe because he said he could feel God inside- inside his heart.
Christians say that there is a place inside of us that only God can fill.
Reply Sun 3 Jun, 2018 11:14 am
Christians say a lot of things. For that matter, people say a lot of things. Most of the things that everyone says are false.

The human mind is capable of imagining more possibilities than nature is capable of realizing.

Richard Feynman said, “Most likely anything that you think of that is possible isn’t true. In fact that’s a general principle in physics theories: no matter what a guy thinks of, it’s almost always false.”

From another series of lectures, compiled as The Meaning of It All, in which Feynman expanded on the probabilistic nature of scientific knowledge. Many more things are possible than reality can accommodate; statistically, therefore, most possibilities are actually not true. That explains why so much that so many people say is so wrong.
Reply Sun 3 Jun, 2018 11:48 am
You are, apparently, unfamiliar with your own religion's scripture. From Luke, Chapter 17, Verse 21: Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you. This ain't rocket science, and there is very little new under the sun--as Roswell points out, just because someone thinks of something, that does not make it true. The Abrahamic religions are famously incestuous--they all have pretty much the same message.
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Reply Sun 3 Jun, 2018 07:09 pm
He said that people could say there was no God, but he didn't believe them. He didn't believe because he said he could feel God inside- inside his heart.
I'm wondering why you believe this is a good description for God, let alone a very good description?

The best description that I ever saw was 'The Universe'. It's a little bit difficult to argue with that, whether Atheist of Monotheist. Of course, what each side makes of it from there, would likely differ.

And anyone who spends any time studying the subconscious would come to certain realisations about how people 'feel' what they feel - particularly if those feelings are related to 'concepts' that they dedicatedly medidate / pray / focus deeply.
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Reply Sun 3 Jun, 2018 07:35 pm
he could feel God inside- inside his heart.

Christians say that there is a place inside of us that only God can fill.

Reply Sun 3 Jun, 2018 07:40 pm
I do not believe that you can actually "feel" God inside of you because if you apply that "standard" that would imply that feeling God inside of you would change depending on your day & what was going on in it. That's where faith comes in knowing that God is with you irrelevant of how you actually feel!
Reply Sun 3 Jun, 2018 10:38 pm
Yes....I don't feel God in me...but with me...
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Reply Mon 4 Jun, 2018 04:30 am
Agent1741 wrote:
That's where faith comes in knowing that God is with you irrelevant of how you actually feel!

How do you differentiate between faith and stubbornness?
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Reply Mon 4 Jun, 2018 01:17 pm
Faith should be there irrelevant of the situation, stubbornness is part of someones personality its a human trait. faith is not.
Reply Mon 4 Jun, 2018 05:19 pm
You're reading way too much into psychology, which tries to categorise human tendencies into 'traits'.

Stubbornness is a mindset. So is eternal optimism. So is faith. All are founded in beliefs. Eternal optimism is closer to faith than stubbornness, mostly because of the negative connotations associated with stubbornness.

Eternal Optimism springs from the belief that:
- no matter what comes, one can prevail, if only one sees the silver lining (or some similar belief); and so
- the person lives their life in an accordingly optimistic way

Stubbornness also springs from beliefs such as:
- this is my right (or pretty much any other of the persons beliefs); and
- I must stand up for myself (and does so - this makes no discernment over whether or not the original belief is flawed or not)

Faith also springs from beliefs.
- this things exists even if it is inexplicable in many ways; and
- I act on my faith

All deal with something that can be intangible (beliefs), and all result in action. You could argue faith is in things that are much more intangible, but still produce actions...but you can also put faith in people. So it all comes down to beliefs that produce actions.
Reply Mon 4 Jun, 2018 07:32 pm
You are right society does try to categorise humans tendencies into traits.
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Reply Wed 6 Jun, 2018 03:55 am
When you analyze, you have to find that there is some point, who makes a spiritual i. e
You recognize yourself in all beings.
You love without expecting to be loved back.
You live your life from a place of sincerity and humility.
You trust life’s wisdom.
Your wisdom is your own.
Your heart is at peace even in the midst of adversity. and so on
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Reply Wed 6 Jun, 2018 04:46 am
I suppose to say he feels God is to have a consciousness/ feelings of a greater authority than that which is in the world.
The bible says our bodies are the temple of God. It seems from this that we are to act in a loving manner that will not hurt that temple- that will not hurt ourselves or others because God has a place for himself in all of us.
Reply Thu 7 Jun, 2018 06:41 pm
The feeling of being part of there being greater is biologically built into us:

- we have a sympathetic system that mimics what others strongly feel (and is why women's periods can align, why peoples breathing can align, why mob mentality exits, why it's hard to be calm when someone is angry with you, and many other things). So our own body is readily influenced by those around us (and likely our surrounds).

We are biologically driven to form societies (something bigger than ourselves).

We have a subconscious that forms literal connections. This is how we learn. We can also program those connections through various means (repetitious training, focused meditation, focused prayer, affirmations, hypnosis etc). The degree of success of such programming depends on many factors.

So you are driven to believe in something bigger (society) and you want to explain the inexplicable and wonder if there is something bigger, and you bow down in focused, dedicated prayer...and in doing so, you are better able to access your subconscious, better able to access your feelings....and you feel within you...and your mind forms connections, reinforcing that feeling...which reinforces your belief, which reinforces...

Then you do this as a group, and your sympathetic system kicks in. And the more of you that do so, the stronger the reaction within your sympathetic system, the strong you feel, the greater your belief in that feeling...

My point is - be careful with your definition of God based on 'feeling'. If you pay attention to the world around you, you will see that peoples feelings are greatly influenced by their own desires, and their groups desires. You will see the (negative) affects of mob mentality, you will see how we are influenced, and more importantly, you will come to see how we influence our own selves, our own feelings.

I personally am ambivalent about the existence of God. Nice idea, not so much the religious theology that goes with it.

Were I to define him/her, I would first say the Universe, secondly the underlying force, thirdly the spirit of life, fourth the voice of diversification. Once could attribute love to such a God, but it would not be quite the love that we understand. It would be an impersonal love.

We are all capable of good within ourselves. We are all capable of greater love, greater kindness, greater empathy. We are all capable of lifting others up. We are all capable of greater understanding and acceptance of ourselves, and others. These do not require belief in a God, though such belief can be of help, for through belief in a higher power, you may let go of some of your more difficult emotions and upsets, thereby enabling one to find the greater empathy and compassion within yourself...but such belief it is not essential to this ability. There are other paths.

As a note: I am not against other definitions of God. Nor even against belief based on a feeling. I would only mention that faith does not exist where certainty exists.
Reply Fri 27 Jul, 2018 03:49 am
There are answers in Yogic philosophy and Theosophy for anyone wanting to know. THAT which creates does n0t want your worship we are all parts of IT. Eons ago we opted for freewill as an adventure in experience, sometimes mistakes were made causing their own reactions in numerous reincarnations.
We have a very long history in other star systems.
There was more taught by George King. I knew him as a Master of Yoga and the founder a Commando Spiritual Force which became The Aetherius Society.
"TRUTH is Indeed Stranger Than Fiction", but offered for those curious about their purpose and spiritual opportunities.
There is more but I do not write long articles, who read them anyway.
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Reply Fri 27 Jul, 2018 04:04 am
I have respect for the Muslims in their discipline and devotion, unfortunately they are enslaved in a system written by men subject the similar errors of those
subject to Christian teachings.
We all have the spark of divinity in us faced with the task of realising this after many incarnations depending on how much interested we are in the ways to achieve. Unselfish service to others is the keynote of this New Age, solitary meditation away from society is not enough.
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Reply Fri 27 Jul, 2018 01:51 pm
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Reply Fri 27 Jul, 2018 02:02 pm
I like the idea of feeling that God is inside of you, after all where else would spirituality and religion emanate from besides the psyche. The problem is if you try to objectify religion then it becomes nothing more than spiritual materialism. Spirituality emanates from the psyche, but spiritual materialism emanates from the intellect.

Spirituality is the psyche trying to relate and connect to the rest of the universe and to the rest of nature. Otherwise, we're nothing but isolated islands, egos, and that can be a pretty lonely place.
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Reply Sat 28 Jul, 2018 01:14 am
God dwells silently in all things as part of IT which creates from Itself.
Reply Sat 28 Jul, 2018 01:40 am
What? God dwells silently in all things as part of information technology which creates from itself? Obviously a concept very recently formed.

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