Governors Get Sympathy From Bush but No More Money
WASHINGTON, Feb. 24 — President Bush told governors today that he would not support proposals to provide new fiscal assistance to states struggling with what governors say is the worst financial problems since World War II.
The governors heard the grim message in a visit to the White House on the third day of the annual winter meeting of the National Governors Association.
Governors of both parties said that while Mr. Bush understood their problems, he offered no money.
"The president did not offer additional fiscal assistance," said Gov. Bill Owens of Colorado, chairman of the Republican Governors Association.
Gov. Edward G. Rendell of Pennsylvania, a Democrat, said: "President Bush was honest and frank. He told us there's no more money for anything. He said essentially, `You're on your own.' "
The meeting has exposed a partisan rift within the governors association, which normally operates by consensus. Democratic governors said Mr. Bush had ignored the states' fiscal problems, and they asserted that his tax proposals could exacerbate those problems. Republicans defended Mr. Bush and said governors should not always be begging for more federal aid.
I wonder if the governors had thought of seceding from the union and than they can get foreign aid which seems to be flowing quite freely. Just imagine how much they could get to allow troops to pass their borders.
The cry should be "Remember Turkey"