Most of you won't know this particular mum, I'm certain. But I'm nominating her as my most loved mother: Maggie Beare, mother of the long-suffering Arthur, in the Oz series,
Mother & Son.
It was made years ago & has had so many reruns on the ABC (national broadcaster) that I've lost count. But I laughed myself silly each time.
Maggie suffers from dementia (an odd subject for humour, I know!) & has poor, hapless Arthur running around in circles ... She could be endearing, exasperating, manipulative, forgetful, shrewd, cunning & very moving, by turn. Poor Arthur!
Maggie was played by the magnificent Ruth Cracknell, who sadly, died last year. (What a woman SHE was!)
Mother & Son was a delight, though sometimes the audience could get just as exasperated with Maggie as poor old Arthur!
Have any of you seen it?