@Finn dAbuzz,
I don't really consider Hannity a journalist either, he's a news editorialist. The standards you apply to Hannity and others like him are not the standards you would apply to a straight news article, which is supposed to be unbiased. Instead, we would apply the looser standards used for newspaper editorials or syndicated columnists, which have an opinion from the very start.
Thing is, Hannity's leaving out the fact that Cohen was his personal attorney violates even the milder standards we use for editorials. When you have a figure on the show who is put on allegedly to give the audience the inside scoop of what is happening on a major news story, and you don't disclose that your fortunes are tied in with his, (like the fact that Mueller very likely now has any records Cohen has of his business with Hannity), then your credibility as an editorialist has taken a steep dive.
Hannity's been pretending he's worried about Cohen's rights and legal principle, but he clearly was worried about his own legal dealings with "Pay 'Em Off To Shut 'Em Up Cohen" coming to light.