Re: Do people have an intrinsic sense of right and wrong?
Codgo wrote:Righty. This is a general view i want to express after crusing these boards for a good hour or so. I think that all the debates to do with these issues of spirirtuality come down to 1 key issue
Yes, in one hour you've determined the one truth behind the thousands of debates that have occured over the course of A2K's spirituality forum. Lead and inform us oh wise and beneficient Codgo.
If, individually, we believe that we are responsible for our own actions. I.e if we choose to believe that people have a fundamental sense of right and wrong.
Yes. This is precisely the issue behind.
Debating whether God is male or female.
Debating the means of creation.
Debating whether omniscience and omnipotence are mutually contradictory.
Debating the nature of trinity.
Discussing whether the laws of the old testament are superceded by new.
Questioning whether the bible is literally inerrant, merely inspired or just a book.