thunder_runner32 wrote:What scientist are you getting your info from? How is it that most world religions aknowledge the existence of Jesus, David, etc?
Is this what you mean by the "scriptures being historically accurate?"
Good grief...a Jackie Collins book has historically accurate information in it. But that doesn't make them non-fiction.
Yes...there was a Jeruselem...and a Rome...and there was a Tiberius.
But that does not verify the scriptures in any way.
Fact is...there is more in scriptures that seems inconsistent with historical fact (the slavery of the ancient Hebrews by the Egyptians seems to be very, very questionable)...that the other way around.
The best possible guess about the Bible is that it is a fanciful, self-serving, fictionalized history of sorts of the ancient Hebrews....intersperced with a gruesome mythology.
As for the flood, many scientist believe this is the cause for the rapid change in pangea. They also know that there was at one time, a giant flood all over the world.
They do not know anything of the sort...and most reputable scientists would probably assert that a generalized flood of the entire planet is IMPOSSIBLE. There simply is not enough water on the planet.
We said it was going to be an intelligent discussion.