thunder_runner32 wrote:
People in this thread keep saying the world would be peaceful...if only religion didn't exist...what are you smoking? What on earth makes you think that if we had no moral system...we would be peaceful?!?
panzade wrote:"Lord Of The Flies" is an interesting book on this subject.
I believe that
Lord of the Flies is indeed an interesting book on the subject. It is a microcosm of civilization and what it would be like if nobody had any morals of any kind: Hatred. Savagry. Murder. All of these things occur in
Lord of the Flies because there is no civilized live there. There is no fixed set of rules or laws to follow: They follow what they
want. This is a perfect example of what thunder_runner32 was talking about.
How will religion simply "fade away" or be "thrown away like all of the other useless baggage" when so many are deeply spiritual? Man did not invent religion, or the concept of religion, to make up answers to difficult questions. On the contrary, evolutionists have to do this each time
their beliefs are challenged or proven wrong. One could argue that it takes more faith to believe in Evolutionism than in Chritianity.
the sleeper wrote:
Religion and spirituality are, saddly to say, going to eventually be obsolete, it is just a standard set of morals, which more and more people are choossing to ignor and are choossing to bend to their own sick and twisted way.
That's called sinning. People who aren't true followers of the Faith tend to make excuses in their wrongdoings. Just because
some people abuse the name of a religion does not mean that the religion itself is a bad thing.
the sleeper wrote:Science has become the new god and now the human morals are bassed on "can this be done in science, can a labratory really solve all these problems that god has not, will not, or choosses not to rcocnize as existant problems."
That is exactly what evolutionists have to do in order to keep their faith strong: Keep answering questions they can't answer, yet do just to appease themselves for a small period of time.
the sleeper wrote:As time moves on, you can see that religion has steadily gone down hill, the catholic church has lost numbers, thousands of people no longer go to church.
If I didn't know any better, I'd say you have tunnel vision. You are only talking to people that you know will give you the answers that you desire. In any case, the people that drop out of the church are not lost forever. In fact, just because they don't go to Catholic Church anymore doesn't mean that they're automatically secular humanists: They could simply be going to a different branch. There are dozens upon dozens of branches of the original church out there.
the sleeper wrote:But the important thing to think about is that faith is something that everyone uses to fill those unanswered gaps in the mind. Gaps like, how WAS the universe formed?
Again, that's what evolutionists do. People with faith don't
need to ask questions like that, and, therefore, don't. Evolutionists
have to turn themselves to asking questions just to make sure that they are not wrong, yet are continually disproven.
the sleeper wrote:So no, religion will not survive thruogh the next evolution of man unless the cristian revelation comes true. but even then, it will be to late.
I think that it will survive, and will never cease surviving unless humans lose free will. Religion is not a human-developped concept, yet it is treated as such. Therefore, it has as much chance of going away as, for example, the concept of Time. Time will not go away simply because the majority stops believing in it. Somebody will always remember the concept of time, no matter what actions are taken. Religion works the same way. If humans were not able to decide their beliefs, whether it be Christianity, Evolutionism, or Atheism, then humans would not have free will.
the sleeper wrote:If the church adopted their old policies, women wouldn't be able to use the internet, hell, there wouldn't be an internet because who ever dreated it would have been branded a heritic and burnt at the stake. We wouldn't have the nice little cars i'm sure you drive, and we wouldn't live as long as we do now considering medicine was considered an act of satin to upset god's test of your body. (...) Anyways, if the church held it's reign now like it did back then, kiss every moderen and civil device you use today good bye.
Why would the church adopt its old policies? One of these policies in the first place is to abide by the law of the land. In any case, have you even read the rules that Jesus taught in the New Testament? There are two main commandments. The old laws were basically abolished because people were following the rules for the sake of following the rules.
the sleeper wrote:and Personaly, if falling deathly ill is how my god is going to test me and not let me try to get better, then i want no part of him. (...) But no matter how hard the church tries, it's still failling.
Now there's a humanistic attitude. If you were confident in your faith, then you shouldn't even fear death to begin with. There's nothing wrong with using medication/sugery/etc. to stay alive, but there is something wrong with someone who thinks that death is the end, with no way out.