Quote:One of the great joys in life, IMO, is helping people that you care for. When I die, I will be pleased to give the funds to my son, whom I love dearly. Would it be more rational to leave it to some faceless strangers, who mean nothing to me?
Would not that be on the altruistic side? If you 'care' for someone, then you would not be acting selfishly, but is acting for someone. If you're only acting for the pleasure you've habituated out of the act of helping someone, then you are acting with selfishness, but the action is not selfish itself.
Objectivists claim an existing objective world and claims to have reason as one of its highest values. However, egoism is no where close to being rational. Is it rational you ask if you leave the money for someone you don't care for? Yes, it is.
Firstly:It is a choice whether you 'care' for someone or not. If you only 'care' for someone because you happen to have the feeling, you wouldn't be acting with reason, but with conditioned emotions as your basis.
Second: These feelings are not fixed and can be arbitrarily changed. The question is what to attach the feelings to. That is acting with reason as your guide.
Third: The reason why you should care for people is because they are 'people'. It is rational to help someone in need, because a conscious rational being in need, needs to be helped.
Fourth: Universals/identities are part of the rational mind.
Fifth........... I could go on, really.
It is a contradiction for Rand to state that we should be selfish and yet treat people as an end, because that would also be considerate of people and is not aligned to the definition of selfishness (even objectivists themselves would differentiate between self-interest and selfishness).
I would also debunk objectivists notion of third category of people who acts with self-interest. For me, the rational thing to do is to act with 'everyone' in consideration (the rational middle ground between egoism and altruism).
I also do not understand Rand's hostility to philosophy. Instead of calling things that do not agree with her a mistake to her believe, she calls them 'evil.' That is a form of elitism that I despise.