Before I go on with my critique, thanks for the welcome
Quote:Talk about a contradiction.
Not liking her philosophy and condemning it as evil are two different things. :wink:
Quote:I don't think you understand what Rand means by selfish. I'm extremely selfish but I'm also as charitable as the next guy, I just view it a little differently. I don't give because you tell me you need it and I don't owe anybody anything. I give because I think people need help and it makes me feel better about me to do so. The deed is the same, and the reasoning isn't much different, but I've made a rational choice to help because I'd like to live in a world where everyone does.
It's Rand who did not understand the traditional meaning of selfish. If that is what she means, then it is self-interest and not "selfish". Selfishness to the ordinary person means doing what one wants without considering the other person involved, and taking advantage of others.
Even some objectivists would note that.
You say that giving people in need makes you feel better. I would say that if you only base your decision upon that alone, then that is more emotional than it is rational.
Yes, you use a form of reasoning to carry out your action but the basis behind your action is not rational. Objectivists claim that people know the truth by means of reason and hold it as the highest value, yet the basis behind their ethics does not have reason as its basis.
Quote:If you listen to the church or your government or any other societal group out there you'll hear them tell you you should use your time and effort and the money you earn for the good of society. If you ever stop to think of how they view society it is generally them, first and foremost, and then everybody except you.
If that is so, then they have a misconception about society because as I see it, society includes EVERYONE.
Quote:The most demanding persons are generally those who produce the least. Bill Gates is demonized as some kind of a monster by some. Strange treatment for the single greatest philanthropist on planet earth today, isn't it? Society thinks they're entitled to his wealth, with no recognition that it wouldn't exist without his effort.
And that defend the Randian argument how?
Quote:Rand simply recognized the truth of selfishness in human beings. The Pope's house is every bit as grand as the President's and they're both in the same league as Mr. Bill Gates'. The difference is; that Bill Gates earned his.
Again, note the difference between self-interest and selfishness. I would not say that human beings are selfish. The psychological top point in human moral development is objective morality. Also, a mother who cares very much for her child is acting without selfishness as she is considerate of another person. The case that altruism exist diminishes the argument that people are all selfish.
Quote:Now let's look at who should really be the role model, shall we? The United States Government is run by committees of do-gooders who've volunteered to represent society
and mostly produce nothing. They live like royalty at the public's expense and look down their noses at the commoners in similar fashion. Meanwhile, it is the most wasteful entity humankind has ever known. World famous it is for overpaying and for underachieving. The church claims to have the morality of the human race in its philosophy yet the child molesting priests have created an ugly stain not bested since witch burning was abolished. They too live the high life at the public's expense. Now take a peak over at the selfish man; Bill Gates. His business is as successful as any before it, operates at a perpetual profit and I don't recall ever hearing about him doing anything heinous to children or anyone else. Furthermore, he's created countless thousands of jobs that have fed millions of mouths and he donates millions more on top of that. Hmmm. Somehow the selfish man doesn't seem so bad to me.
Generally politicians are hardly people's rolemodel :wink: . The priests and politicians you described ARE THE SELFISH PEOPLE no matter how much they try to rationalize their irrational actions.
Do you think they do the bad stuffs that they did for others? When a priest molests a child he is not being selfless, but is being selfish.
You have tried to present situations where you show your so-called selfish people in good light, however I have never seen any of you Randians to consider of situations where ignorant selfish people can be troublesome.
Let's take an example from history shall we? Hoover believed in complete Laissez-faire that even during the Great Depression when people are IN NEED OF HELP. Surely a selfish person would not help the other people given that their well being is secured. However, Keynes provide an economical argument: "spend the money". Roosevelt applied the principle and although his new deal did not significantly help the people, they were better off. If the government is selfish, then there would be an oppressive society as we have seen in the monarchies and dictatorships of the past.