When some of the people heard that they would lose a huge portion of their social security benefit, they decide it was not such a good plan. The surprising part of all this is the fact that youngsters between the ages of 18 and 29 still think it's a good idea. They're the one's that have no experience in investing or understand the stock market. They probably never heard of the depression.
Bush also is trying to sell the plan with his it is your money and you can leave it to your heirs. Social Security was and is intended to give us financial support in our old age. It is not nor should it be a legacy to our heirs. Any surplus should returned to support the system.
Youngsters cannot visualize that concept; they think keeping some of their social security money will make them rich. They never bother to do the very simple math. It's no wonder our schools are failing our children. It's similar to Leave No Child Behind; this unfunded mandate is responsible for the closure of more schools in California since it's inception.
Bush is now traveling the nation touting the privatization of SS. He is doing it in so called town hall meetings in front of partisan only audiences. As usual he preaches to the choir. He hasn't the guts to face people who may ask him a question.
I cannot remember a more divisive and gutless leader, pardon the expression, than Bush. If he had any guts and character at all he would have open meetings and try to sell his plan to those who are not his ass kissing partisans. They do after all make up almost 50% of this nation.
au, It shows the true character of this man. He is a controlling tyrant that doesn't understand what a true "democracy" is. As we all know, the media people that cover the white house have become chickens, because if they ask the wrong question, they'll no longer be in that group that listen's the the spews of this president. Talk about "control." Those neo-cons don't understand a thing.
He's a coward.
A straight-up coward. Too weak to face opposition, he hides behind a screen of 'loyalty oaths' and pre-arranged questions.
au1929 wrote:Bush is now traveling the nation touting the privatization of SS. He is doing it in so called town hall meetings in front of partisan only audiences. As usual he preaches to the choir. He hasn't the guts to face people who may ask him a question.
I cannot remember a more divisive and gutless leader, pardon the expression, than Bush. If he had any guts and character at all he would have open meetings and try to sell his plan to those who are not his ass kissing partisans. They do after all make up almost 50% of this nation.
Yeah, uh-huh, sure. Can you name the last time a president did like you would have Bush do?
Well actually Bush doesn't use double speak. What it is is that Bush is an alien and during the morph stage of his development as a human replicant there was a glitch with a few snapses mis-firing giving the appearance of aphasia as well as deficits of the corpus callosum, organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis. There was some concern among Tralfamadorians that he might not pass muster as an ordinary human but that was resolved by having him elected president of the US where it is not expected that human reasoning/speech be above one standard deviation over moron. In a stump speech in Akron Ohio Bush admitted to feeling somewhat alienated lately. but quickly recovered saying he was sure he would feel more human after a few hours sleep in his pod.
I 've been making the assertion for years now (much to the teeth-grinding chagrin of the Bush sycophants on this forum) that Bush is a liar, and I'd like to expand on it some.
George W. Bush is one of those liars we call a "good kind" of liar.
But he is still is a superb liar. That's what makes him such a dangerous man.
He is salesman, cheerleader, and parent -- all categories of people who are allowed to lie.
I doubt calling Bush a liar has much affect on Bush, or Karl Rove, the man who gives Bush most of the lies he tells. It seems to have no discernible effect on the lickspittles he surrounds himself with -- the ones who parrot the lies from the top -- from Rice and Rumsfeld to his bullies in Congress like DeLay. It's obvious, though, they are simply not as good at lying as is Bush, mostly because they aren't capable of grinning that ****-eating smirk, aw-shucksing it in front of the folks like Dubya can.
It's like calling a salesman a liar, just as likely to provoke admiration as disapproval. We expect salesmen to lie. We forgive them a lot, particularly those who sell the products our employers produce. Bush wasn't exaggerating the WMD case for war in Iraq (an unthinkably irresponsible and immoral thing to do, considering the loss of life lies like this produce). He was "selling."
And then there's Bush the cheerleader; one of the few jobs in which he had prior experience and which his dad didn't pull strings to help him get. A cheerleader yells a rehearsed "We've got the power to fight, fight, fight. We've got the power to win, win, win." We don't call the cheerleader a liar, even when our side is down 50 points in a football game. Bush isn't "lying" when he paints a rosy scenario of the crap he is making of everything he touches. He's cheering for "our" side.
Bush used the parent pose when he got caught hiding his DUI. He simply couldn't tell the children the truth. It would be bad for them! It reminds me of that fellow in "Life is Beautiful": Bush wasn't covering up his past to protect himself; he was protecting the delicate sensibilities of the children. It was the same positioning revealed in his own tape-recorded words about his marijuana usage, captured on tape by his confidante Doug Wead. "I don't want some little kid doing what I tried..."
Precisely the sort of prevaricating the GOP still finds time to scold Clinton for.
Bush isn't quite in the Nixon league of lying, but he's working hard to get there. It isn't a talent for politics per se, but a talent for the dishonest part of it that he excels at.
Maybe it's just America's bad luck at this time in history to have a stupid, reckless fool with a talent for dishonesty as president.
And to have 50.8% of the American electorate gullible enough to swallow the lies and re-elect him, of course.