Thu 3 Feb, 2005 02:20 pm
Will be in Hong Kong for Chinese New Year, then one night in Singapore to visit friends I met on previous trips, then off to Vietnam and Cambodia for my first time visit to those two countries. Will be back home on February 20.
Oh, wow.
(see my new signature below)
Eva, Been broke all my life. Now, I just travel, and get broker and broker...but it's fun!
Hey, you can't take it with you, so you might as well spend it while you can.
ci, you got that philisophy right! Hope you'll post more pics from this leg of your trip. I'm still reeling from trip to Antarctica!
Have a grand time! Have terrific inside out insights at sights and sites.
Have some great days, c.i.!
Damn ci, we missed each other in HK !! HK Is all dolled up for the new year !! What a fab time to be there ! Have a great trip
Walter and the prince, Thanks, looking forward to a fab time in HKG. A doctor and his family I met during my England, Scotland, and Ireland tour some years ago are hosting me and my other friend in Singapore for dinner. I must find some gifts to take, but haven't decided what will be appropriate.
Damn, ci, you were home barely long enough to do your laundry. I was in Hong Kong for a week of R&R from Vietnam. Cool city. In VN I was with the 101st near Phu Bai about a half-hour chopper ride from Hue. Very interesting place. I look forward to seeing your pix of VN when you get back.
realjohnboy wrote: I was in Hong Kong for a week of R&R from Vietnam. Cool city. In VN I was with the 101st near Phu Bai about a half-hour chopper ride from Hue.

I'll bet you have some stories. Nods to you.
ci, take care! <waves>
Paulaj: Stories-- perhaps, yes. Stories to tell-- no.
That was a long tme ago and I managed to put it all away. I reckon I was lucky in being able to do that.
There is an old notion that probably didn't originate in Vietnam (in fact, I know it didn't, I read of a similar thought in some books I've read about WW2) that goes like this:
If you offered me a million dollars to repeat the experience, I would say hell no. But if you offered me a million dollars to erase the memory of that time, I would also say hell no.
That's a bit of a difficult concept to explain and I certainly don't want to hijack ci's thread, so I'll stop there.
Looking for lots of pix, ci!
rjb, That analogy about the million dollars makes a lot of sense. Most of us have good and bad experiences in our lives, but wouldn't trade money for all that we've experienced. Life just is, and we learn to accept it. Mine was not the worst or the best, but it was all mine.