I have been stuck on the idea behind this thread all day.
I still cant think of who could play my first husband.
Most of the people I choose for my 'story cast' are picked not because of thier looks, though I would give an arm and a leg to have Vivica's looks... .but I choose them for thier acting abilities . I have seen each character/actor play a part that reminded me of these specific people.
Though , I left out one person in my cast.. my father. He wouldplay a small part, drunk neighborhood a-hole .
But , pictures of my father show that he was a beautiful man... aside from the alcohol that is.
And if i were to choose someone for looks only , ( since his part would require that .. due to the fact that I do not know the man ) I would pick :
Djimon Hounsou.
Eoe.. Mrs Horne is the most beautiful woman imaginable. To compare her to your mother says alot about your mothers person. :-)