US shutdown

Reply Sat 10 Feb, 2018 06:44 am
The greatest country in the world will be shutdown (again, last time was last month). Will it be a regular occurrence? What if banks do not lend it money anymore?
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Type: Question • Score: 4 • Views: 1,652 • Replies: 15
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Reply Sat 10 Feb, 2018 07:01 am
It has been a regular occurrence for more than 30 years. This isn't news.
Reply Sat 10 Feb, 2018 09:50 am
It's also a given that the US isn't the greatest country in the world, right, Max?

Four alleged 911 planes. Roughly 4 million parts and not a one has ever been positively IDed as coming from any of those alleged planes.

"Most of these time-change parts, whether hydraulic flight surface actuators , pumps, landing gears, engines or engine components, are virtually indestructible. It would be impossible for an ordinary fire resulting from an airplane crash to destroy or obliterate all of those critical time-change parts or their serial numbers. I repeat, impossible." - Col George Nelson USAF

What kind of country would murder 2900 plus of its own?
Reply Sat 10 Feb, 2018 01:06 pm
"I'm on West Street, right out of the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel. And I was driving in, and I heard an enormous explosion. Then I heard another enormous explosion, and it scared me. I looked out the window, and an enormous tire, what appeared to be a tire, smashed down on the street in front of me. And I looked out, and there was an enormous amount of debris, and we were two or three or four blocks down from the World Trade Center. This is the northern building in the World Trade Center. I yelled to the gentleman in the car, 'Let me out.' I ran back, and a gentleman next to me had been hit by debris." George Shea, live on the telephone with NY1 news

Reply Sat 10 Feb, 2018 01:44 pm

Is the 'Really?', in blue, yours, hightor?

Col Nelson never said that some airplane parts didn't land here and there. He, as a lifelong expert on these things, said,

"In all my years of direct and indirect participation, I never witnessed nor even heard of an aircraft loss, where the wreckage was accessible, that prevented investigators from finding enough hard evidence to positively identify the make, model, and specific registration number of the aircraft — and in most cases the precise cause of the accident. This is because every military and civilian passenger-carrying aircraft have many parts that are identified for safety of flight.



The government alleges that four wide-body airliners crashed on the morning of September 11 2001, resulting in the deaths of more than 3,000 human beings, yet not one piece of hard aircraft evidence has been produced in an attempt to positively identify any of the four aircraft. On the contrary, it seems only that all potential evidence was deliberately kept hidden from public view. The hard evidence would have included hundreds of critical time-change aircraft items, plus security videotapes that were confiscated by the FBI immediately following each tragic episode."


Combine this impossibility with all the rest of the impossibilities in the US government story; US government/military nanothermite found in WTC dust, molten/vaporized WTC steel, the molten iron/steel flowing out from WTC2 minutes before the collapse, the free fall of WTC7, the accelerating speeds of the twin towers, ... and it has just got to make a thinking person at the very least, pause.

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Reply Sat 10 Feb, 2018 02:16 pm
George Shea: And I was driving in, and I heard an enormous explosion. Then I heard another enormous explosion, a

Why did George hear two enormous explosions? He was talking about the North Tower - George Shea: "This is the northern building in the World Trade Center".

Ask yourselves, how could there have been two enormous explosions. That doesn't jive with the US government story.

The first could have been the huge subterranean explosion described by multiple eyewitnesses who were in the basement offices of the cleaning/maintenance companies of WTC that occurred before the plane hit. William Rodriguez describes this explosion as do many of his work colleagues.

This huge subterranean explosion below Level one basement is confirmed by studies of the seismic record.


Were Explosives the Source of the Seismic Signals Emitted from New
York on September 11, 2001?
By Dr. André Rousseau1


First of all, we show the contradictions in the official explanation between the seismic data and the timing of the events. Then we point out that it is strange that identical events (percussions of identical towers on the one hand, and collapses of identical towers on the other hand) at the same location would have generated seismic sources of different magnitudes. We demonstrate that only strong explosives could be the cause of such seismic waves, in accordance with the observed low frequencies.

According to the nature of the recorded waves (body and surface waves), we can propose a location of each explosive source. According to the presence of shear waves or the presence of Rayleigh waves only, we hypothesize a subterranean or a subaerial explosion. The magnitude of an aerial explosion is insufficient to provide seismic waves at 34 km.

The witnesses and video observation confirm our conclusions of subaerial
explosions close to the times of aircraft impacts on WTC1 and WTC2, a strong subterranean explosion closely correlated with the WTC1 collapse, and subaerial explosions closely correlated with the WTC2 and WTC7 collapses, WTC7 not having been hit by a plane.

As a consequence, we draw the conclusion that the three buildings
were demolished by a controlled process.



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Reply Sat 10 Feb, 2018 02:26 pm
The member who has introduced this completely irrelevant comment into this thread, of course, has an obsession about this goofy conspiracy theory. Millions of people, perhaps tens of millions (myself included) watched the second plane fly into the WTC tower, while watching coverage about the first plane to hit the towers, when it was not yet known that an attack was underway.

But all conspiracy claims unravel when the putative logic is examined. Why would such a government-sponsored conspiracy have been needed, simply to invade Afghanistan? If all United States governments were as purely evil as this member suggests, then a casus belli could have been foundj without such a loony and completely unbelievable conspiracy. Of course, staging such an event as hoax would have required the active, knowing participation of at least tens of thousands of individuals spread across the country and particularly in New York, Virginia (the Pentagon) and Pennsylvania--involving the participation of thousands of people in authority in or employed by government agencies which are not a part of the Federal government. This is the great failing of all conspiracy claims-- the scale of deceitful complicity needed to make the alleged conspiracy work.

This member obsessively hates the United States, and singles it out as the greatest evil in the world. This member is also a Canadian--but just how simon-pure have Canadian governments been? During the American revolution, slaves in the South were recruited, and promised their freedom. Of those who were not simply left behind to face the consequences of their participation in the British army, thousands ended up in Nova Scotia where they were systematically cheated out of their back pay from the army and the land they had been promised. More than a thousand emigrated to the British colony of Sierra Leone to escape the bigotry and mistreatment they suffered at the hands of the whites in Nova Scotia. From the Iroquois Confederacy, many tribesmen stayed loyal to the British--especially the Mohawk and the Seneca. They were on the losing side, however, and many fled to Canada, especially during and after Sullivan's campaign against them. In Canada, they were systematically cheated out of the money and land they were promised, or were cozened into selling off the land for a handful of shillings. The Oneida, who were loyal to the United States, are still on their land in New York to this day.

The Northwest Mounted Police brutally suppressed the Northwest Rebellion, of Métis, Cree and Assiniboine aboriginals. During the first world war, Ukrainians in Canada were interned, because some of them had come from what was then Austrian territory--but Ukrainians were interned without reference to the point of origin of themselves or their parents. During the second world war, Japanese Canadians were interned. About the ugliest incident in modern history was the behavior of the Canadian Airborne Regiment in Somalia, who slowly beat a Somali teenager to death, on the pretext that he had stolen from them, and photographed the incident while it was under way. No government or nation is without its ugly historical passages. People who live in glass houses . . .

This member is so obsessive about the events of September 11th, that he will attempt to introduce the topic into any thread. The best way to deal with that is not to argue with him.
Reply Sat 10 Feb, 2018 05:12 pm
The same prson is a systematic liar about all the evidence re: the collisions of the planes into tthe WTC's and subsequent toppling of the buildings.SEISMIC DATA FROM LAMONT STATION (PAL)

The seismic records show clearly the P wave returns of a sequence of initial energy that is NOT explosives. The subsequent long return is consistent with the building drop where the returns go up nd down
Reply Sat 10 Feb, 2018 05:57 pm
Millions of people, perhaps tens of millions (myself included) watched the second plane fly into the WTC tower, while watching coverage about the first plane to hit the towers, when it was not yet known that an attack was underway.

And the propaganda worked its magic, didn't it, Setanta?

Did you know that the jet engine that flew right thru WTC2 and landed on Murray Street wasn't a jet engine that was installed in UA's 767-200 series planes which is what Flight 175 was.

Wrong engine = UA175 didn't hit the south tower. Why would the US government say it was UA175 when it wasn't.

But all conspiracy claims unravel when the putative logic is examined.

Indeed! All one has to do is look at the above to see that the US government conspiracy theory is impossible.

How did alleged hijackers get US government/US military developed [1990s] NANO scale nanothermite?

But all USG conspiracy claims unravel when the putative logic and the science is examined.

How did alleged hijackers get this US government/US military developed [1990s] NANO scale nanothermite planted in the twin towers AND WTC7? The alleged planes didn't go anywhere near WTC7.

But all USG conspiracy claims unravel when the putative logic and the science is examined.

How did alleged hijackers get US government/US military developed [1990s] NANO scale nanothermite?

But all USG conspiracy claims unravel when the putative logic and the science is examined.

How did alleged hijackers melt and vaporize WTC steel?


But all USG conspiracy claims unravel when the putative logic and the science is examined.

There are so many total impossibilities found within the USG official conspiracy theory. Any one of the above should have any sensible, thinking adult saying, at the least, something is just not right with the US government story.

You likely will find it outlandish, but as soon as a person takes an honest look at the science, or even the facts, it is soon apparent that there is no evidence for the US government official conspiracy theory [USGOCT].

There was and is really really good propaganda, the best the world has ever seen. As soon as no one wants to talk about something, you know that it is a falsehood.

If the USGOCT had anything to it, ACTUAL EVIDENCE could be located and it could be brought forward.

There is zero evidence in your post, Setanta, absolutely nothing that supports the USGOCT. You know why? Because there is no evidence for the USGOCT.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 10 Feb, 2018 06:02 pm
The seismic crap is what really pisses me off with these clowns. If you start with some of the first reports for "throwaway" journals from guys likeRyan, Gourny nd Jones wre laughable. I have no idea why NIST even went out and wasted our tax money to ven consider their conspiracies. NONE of thise guys has ANY experience in expolsives and demo.
The use of "thermite" would be too slow to do anything but create great gobs of white smoke and flames.(Jesse Ventura hired NM Tech to do studies re Thermite and binary thermite and neither ever worked in "cutting" target beams that were suspended horizontally.
One of a number of experts hired to review the "AE Truth Crap" and one guy stated that
''These truthers apply the scientific method in reverse. The select their choice of conclusions and then dismiss evidence that doesnt support their beliefs"

Thats all from me. I just think Glenn and JTT really ought to look at some kind of intervention followed by competent psychological help
Reply Sat 10 Feb, 2018 06:21 pm
The same prson is a systematic liar about all the evidence re: the collisions of the planes into tthe WTC's and subsequent toppling of the buildings

As just noted, the plane that the US government says hit WTC2 had a jet engine that wasn't put in UA 767-200 series planes so right there, the US government is a systematic liar. Of something of immense proportions. Why would they lie about which plane hit where?

You are being unfair and very very deceptive, farmerman. It is not me who says the LDEO analysis is wrong, it is,

Dr. Rousseau is a former researcher in geophysics and geology at the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) of France and a specialist in acoustic waves. He is also a member of Scientists for 9/11 Truth.


Who might the person be, farmerman, the fellow who is totally avoiding the totally impossible molten/vaporized WTC steel?

... the fellow who is totally avoiding the totally impossible appearance of US government proprietary NANOthermite in WTC dust?

Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe


Abstract: We have discovered distinctive red/gray chips in all the samples we have studied of the dust produced by the
destruction of the World Trade Center.

The red material contains grains approximately 100 nm across which are largely iron oxide, while aluminum is contained in tiny plate-like structures.

Separation of components using methyl ethyl ketone demonstrated that elemental aluminum is present. The iron oxide and aluminum
are intimately mixed in the red material. When ignited in a DSC device the chips exhibit large but narrow exotherms occurring
at approximately 430 ˚C, far below the normal ignition temperature for conventional thermite.

Numerous iron-rich spheres are clearly observed in the residue following the ignition of these peculiar red/gray chips. The red portion of these
chips is found to be an unreacted thermitic material and highly energetic.


Nanothermite, solely owned and controlled by the US government, no one else even knows how to make it, let alone buy it, should not have been in WTC dust. But you know this.

Why do you keep on with your desperate distractions?

0 Replies
Reply Sat 10 Feb, 2018 06:32 pm
The use of "thermite" would be too slow to do anything but create great gobs of white smoke and flames.(Jesse Ventura hired NM Tech to do studies re Thermite and binary thermite and neither ever worked in "cutting" target beams that were suspended horizontally.

NANOthermite, farmerman. Why do you refuse to address reality?


Shaped charges pierce the toughest targets

In early 1997, Lawrence Livermore successfully tested a shaped charge that penetrated 3.4 meters of high-strength armor steel. The largest diameter precision shaped charge ever built produced a jet of molybdenum that traveled several meters through the air before making its way through successive blocks of steel ... .


That is about 11.5 feet of high-strength armor steel. Compared to that, WTC steel would be nothing. The accelerating speeds of the twin towers shows how effective the new nanothermite was in bringind down the twin towers.

WTC 7's free fall for 2.25 seconds, 105 feet, 8 storeys also says controlled demolition. There is no other way known to man to cause free fall without controlled demolition. You know this too.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 10 Feb, 2018 07:02 pm
The use of "thermite" would be too slow to do anything but create great gobs of white smoke and flames.

The engineer, Jonathon Cole, illustrates clearly in the following video that Farmer either doesn't know what he is talking about, above, or he is being purposefully misleading.

He was was able to cut thru steel beams very easily with 1/100th of the thermite used by National Geographic for their propaganda 911 special.

This excellent video covers all the important issues, molten steel, the high temperatures that caused the molten steel, the propaganda from the media, the
actual low temperatures that existed in the WTC fires, the ones that had no chance of creating temperatures high enough to weaken WTC steel.

9/11 Experiments: The Great Thermate Debate

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Reply Sat 10 Feb, 2018 08:10 pm
It was undocumented Mexicans that brought them down. That's why the wall must be built.
Reply Sat 10 Feb, 2018 08:12 pm
Where did hightor's post go?
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Reply Mon 12 Feb, 2018 10:19 am
But all conspiracy claims unravel when the putative logic is examined. Why would such a government-sponsored conspiracy have been needed, simply to invade Afghanistan? If all United States governments were as purely evil as this member suggests, then a casus belli could have been foundj without such a loony and completely unbelievable conspiracy.

A totally illogical argument considering the huge volume of evidence that clearly shows the US government story cannot be true. Why do you ignore hard evidence, hard science, irrefutable proof in favor of useless speculation?

Of course, staging such an event as hoax would have required the active, knowing participation of at least tens of thousands of individuals spread across the country and particularly in New York, Virginia (the Pentagon) and Pennsylvania--i conspiracy work.

That is such a tired old lame excuse. And note, it is not supported by any evidence, Setanta.

How does any adult ignore the US nanothermite, huge volume of the by products of that nanothermite showing it was used in the three towers on 911. the molten/vaporized steel, the not a one airplane part of four million ever positively IDed as coming from the alleged 911 aircraft?

This whole affair would make the best ever Franz Kafka novel. It is spooky how everyone is petrified to talk about it. The US is the ultimate totalitarian state as regards 911 issues.

A regular The Emperor's New Clothes.

Dr DR Griffin puts that old canard to rest.

Myth Number 3: Such a big operation, involving so many people, could not have been kept a secret, because someone involved in it would have talked by now.

This claim is based on a more general myth, which is that is impossible for secret government operations to be kept secret very long, because someone always talks. But how could we know this? If some big operations have remained secret until now, we by definition do not know about them. Moreover, we do know of big some operations that were kept secret as long as necessary, such as the Manhattan Project to create the atomic bomb, and the war in Indonesia in 1957, which the United States government provoked, participated in, and was able to keep secret from its own people until a book about it appeared in 1995. 18 Many more examples could be given.

We can understand, moreover, why those with inside knowledge of 9/11 would not talk. At least most of them would have been people with the proven ability to keep secrets. Those who were directly complicit would also be highly motivated to avoid public disgrace and the gas chamber. Those people who had knowledge without being complicit could be induced to keep quiet by means of more or less subtle threats—such as: “Joe, if you go forward with your plans to talk to the press about this, I don’t know who is going to protect your wife and kids from some nutcase angered by your statement.” Still another fact is that neither the government nor the mainstream press has, to say the least, shown any signs of wanting anyone to come forward.


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