Wed 26 Jan, 2005 01:02 pm
Did Barbara Boxer break down in tears again and then stomp her feet?
I saw a photo of Condi talking to Colin Powell at the inauguration, and she was wearing some sort of fur hat. With that absurd Mary Tyler Moore haircut obscured, I thought she looked kind of cute. When I mentioned that to a friend, he told me I was sick.
(OK, her looks are irrelevant. We lefties can be inappropriate, too, sometimes. Why should the reactionaries have all the fun?)
D' kidding. You should see what they're saying about all the Dems that voted for Condi over at DU!
They're cursing Barack Obama in particular, using words like "sellout" and "traitor" (and much worse of course LOL). Kinda their M.O.
Why would you snoop aroung DU?
Vile, vile place there.
LOL! Keep thy friends close and thine enemies closer (something like that)
Speaking of Dems who voted for Condi: You guys can have Sen. Lieberman. Time for him to retire. At least Zell Miller was colorful...
Ted called Barack...Osama bin Laden!
I personally don't see why everyone is all het up about condi anyway. I mean she is already in the administration; she just switched jobs. I agree with Joe Biden that she and the rest of the administration misled the congress and the american people by not telling the whole truth about the intelligence of the WMD in not including the disenting views of their existence and just reporting the intelligence that agreed their agenda. I also agree with whoever it was that said, colin powell did the same, so what is the difference in the two? For that matter what is the difference in anyone that Bush would pick to be secretary of state? So it may as well be condi as anyone else.
Unfortunetly enough people have spoken in the election that gave bush a legitmate presidency knowing everything that is being brought up during these confirmation hearings. However, people need to express their views or else we would be like the tryannies we are claiming to end.
If it was about freeing the Iraqi's then they should have said so and let the American people and congress make up their minds on all the information rather than half.
We are there and I hope the elections at least end without too much bloodshed. I don't believe that anyone truly believes that they are going to be valid in the sense that most democratic accept the term valid elections; but it superfically saves face and maybe someday it will have at least paved the way for them to have valid elections.