Hi! I'm planning on getting a tattoo in Latin, I've gotten the translation from some people who are pretty well versed with the Latin language but I just wanted to double check on some other sites whether this is accurate or not. The quote is 'Fortune favours the brave and the brave make their own fortune.' The translations I've got are:
Audentes Fortuna iuvat, audentes Fortunam faciunt
Audentes fortuna iuvat fortes fortunam faciunt
Both are accurate. I'd prefer the first as audentes is used in both clauses.
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Fri 26 Jan, 2018 08:24 pm
Fortune favours the brave and the brave make their own fortune
I had Audentes Fortuna Iuva et Audentes Fortunam Faciunt tattooed on my penis until I realised that the phrase was heading towards a circular reference and I disdained logical fallacy.
Eventually, I managed to scrape it off with a butter knife and a tablespoon.
The gnarled bits, rivulets and cross-hatching have proved quite popular with all and sundry.
I pretend that the bite marks were part of the rectification procedure.