Hmmmm, Othello? Tragic hero. Consumed by jealousy & doubt. Paranoid, maybe. Let me think. I may have to go to the members list!
Now, Iago is a lot more fun! Trying to think of someone suitably wicked!
I'm joining msolga in scene design, we'd be a good team.
Oh, good! Howdy, pardner!
Naw, if I got to carry a spear I might look like John Wayne in The Greatest Story Ever Told. Since I'm lean and hungry, how about I opt for Cassius?
I can play the nurse in Romeo & Juliet..i'm actually kind of built like the actress who played her in the movie...i have acted in several local KC productions including Company and Polyester...I was also born in England..if that helps garner me a place in the show(s)...
Willow, I missed you, you were gone a while, no?
Welcome back..
Dramatis Personae
* Othello, the Moor
* Brabantio, father to Desdemona
* Cassio, an honourable lieutenant
* Iago, a villain, ['ancient' or standard-bearer, and third in command to Othello]
* Roderigo, a gulled gentleman
* Duke of Venice
* Senators
* Montano, Governor of Cyprus
* Gentlemen of Cyprus
* Lodovico, Gratiano, two noble Venetians, [kinsmen to Brabantio]
* Sailors
* Clown, in Othello's retinue
* Desdemona, wife to Othello
* Emilia, wife to Iago
* Bianca, a courtesan
* Messengers, Herald, Officers, Musicians, and Attendants
Thanks for the Cast of Characters.
Edgar, Willow--
Does anything appeal?
Edgar, carrying your first spear will be much more easily done in tights than a toga.
Willow, what think you of Emilia?
Does Bianca appeal? Or do you want to perform Puck in counterpoint to Othello?
Mercutio is my all time favorite Shakespeare character. But if we're doing Othello, sign me up as an attendant or some such please...
And don't forget the Clown. That might be fun for someone.
There will be a 24-hour break while the self-appointed Casting Director reads Othello I might mean "reread", but I don't think so. I am a woman with enormous gaps in general information.
Meanwhile, which speeches in Othello particularly please the actors?
The male parts seem to be settling themselves--would the women like to read/analyze competitively?
As I recall (I think it was Shakespeare), someone exits chased by a large bear. I can do that. Either part is fine, thanks for the consideration.
I think that is The Winter's Tale Were you considering keeping the fur costume?
Noddy, I wannabe Lady MacBeth. Seriously, I tried my best to talk our little theatre group into doing that, and was completely ignored.
" provoketh the desire, but limiteth the performance...."
Always liked that line until I realized that she was talking about the guards who were passed out.
From the same play, the PORTER reflects on drink:
Faith, sir, we were carousing till the second cock: and
drink, sir, is a great provoker of three things.
What three things does drink especially provoke?
Marry, sir, nose-painting, sleep, and urine. Lechery, sir,
it provokes and unprovokes; it provokes the desire, but it
takes away the performance: therefore much drink may be said to
be an equivocator with lechery: it makes him, and it mars him; it
sets him on, and it takes him off; it persuades him, and
disheartens him; makes him stand to, and not stand to: in
conclusion, equivocates him in a sleep, and giving him the lie,
leaves him.

How did I miss that, George?
"...that which has made them drunk, has made me bold...."
jespah wrote:As I recall (I think it was Shakespeare), someone exits chased by a large bear. I can do that. Either part is fine, thanks for the consideration.
did someone call for a bear?
Will you be doing a nude Lady MacB?
We can also use local color for the street scenes. Somehow I have difficulty picturing you routing Jespah. I suppose it might be possible....
Noddy, I'd rather be drunk than nude, but I do know how to wash out a damn-ed spot.