@Walter Hinteler,
Yep, I think the market driven forces will make denialists the Luddites of this century. Im really interested in how GM and Ford have taken the latest big bite by annuncing their plans for becoming a transportation industry that will be free of internal combustion engines. I for one will be glad to get rid of these "Big Iron" vehicles and replacing them with personal transport based on cleaner energy.
Were installing a solar nergy system on the farm and the engineering company has asked whether we wanted to install some "Vehicle charging inverter panels" as a FREE ADD_ON. Duuhhh. NO "Id rather keep muh 2020 DODGE Thunder Buster that gets me 5 MPG DOHC and 7 MPG with an OHV engine, and pumps out 2 barrels a CO an CO2 ever' time I goes t 'buy me a six pack"
I dont wanna be the first guy to buy an E-truck unless its all Aluminum body.
At my age Ive given up driving fast to keeping the damned vehicle nice and rust free for a few years.