Ionus says:
Quote: Google "trees killed in USA by bug". There are no end of bugs eating trees. From memory it was the ash borer. Initially the greenies said it had to be GW, but that was just a knee jerk reaction. The investigation was reported in a news outlet, I havent the time to find it again.
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Jeez, Ionus, you apparently know nothing of the biology involved here. There haveALWAYS been bugs (and diseases) killing trees. There's been an arms race between them for millions of years. Plants evolve ways to stop the things that prey on them, and then the predators evolve ways around that, and the plants evolve new defenses, and so it goes around and around. I ksincerely doubt ANYONE ever considered the ash tree die-off as due to global warming, since the borers are bright green and easily visible, and they're clearly AN INVASIVE SPECIES, SINCE THEIR HABITAT IS ASIA, not the States. American ash trees don't exhibit the general immunity to them that Asian ashes do, since they didn't have to evolve that defense, since they weren't here.
Invasive species have been recognized for decades as imperiling and crowding out native species. Dutch elm disease is probably the most famous case in the States. Didn't you guys have a plague of introduced rabbits? Usually they are traceable to some sort of human fuckup, introducing something here we shouldn't have.
The case of bark beetles is different, since now we have to worry about the effects of climate change on plants, which we didn't used to have to. Bark beetles, which are killing lots and lots of our lconifers, are NATIVE to the States, and generally were held in check by less-frequent droughts which weaken the trees, and harsher winters. Warmer winters, a byproduct of global warming have let the beetles' numbers increase greatly, completely different case than dieoffs from introduced predators.
You really should stop being so simplistic and look at the actual cases and causes. The scientists who look at climate change do. They look at ALL the factors. They know that if they don't the models won't work, which is why the models DO work.