Part of the problem is that virtually everything considered "bad" by people in 2015 can be connected, one way or the other, to climate change.
The globe underwent drought conditions long before humanity came on the scene, and beetle populations have previously surged and had ill effects for certain tree species.
Assuming everything GW Prophets call for is done, and done correctly (and this is a huge assumption since even the highly touted Paris agreement won't accomplish it if executed perfectly, and governments are notoriously incompetent) there will still be droughts and population explosions among certain species and die-offs among others. I suppose that at that point the focus on human activity in its entirety will sharpened and there will be Eco-Warriors calling, at least, for mandatory sterilization of great swathes of the world's population.
This entire matter has come down to a power struggle. There are hidden agendas underlying hidden agendas, but in typical progressive fashion, those disagreeing with their position are deemed evil rapers of the earth who are diabolical enough to destroy the planet, but too stupid to realize they live on it. Anyone who doesn't realize that there are powerful economic interests lined up behind the Climate Change movement that stand to make enormous amounts of money if one plan or another is enacted, doesn't understand how the world works, and has not paid any attention what-so-ever to the personal finances of Al Gore.
I've often bemoaned the fact that humans never seem to get around to addressing big problems until they become huge crises, but such behavior, at least, has the benefit of avoiding wasting time and resources on a crisis that isn't a problem.
It's bound to have a very frustrating outcome for the average person who either believes the crisis is real or does not. The world will never come together to enact all of the measures the Climate Prophets insist must be taken if the earth has any chance (never mind that the worst Climate Change predictions don't actually encompass the destruction of the planet), but enough will be done to significantly disrupt the global economy with a resulting loss of millions upon millions of jobs. If small atolls are actually in peril of being swallowed by the ocean, they will be swallowed and if coastal cities are actually in peril of flooding, they will be flooded. And if they are not, they will endure although many of their citizens will be lost to economic ruin. Meanwhile the New Energy magnates will become the new Rulers of the Universe, and some of the old ones will do fairly well too, by switching courses.