It depends on what "overwhelms" the negatives (or "overwhelms" the positives) actually means. Generally, "overwhelms" means the mechanism has to be adjusted to change the amplitude of the mechanism's response to negative and/or positive feedback of the mechanism's outputs.
When the positives overwhelm the negatives, retune the mechanism so that the positives no longer overwhelm the negatives.
When the negatives overwhelm the positives, retune the mechanism so that the negatives no longer overwhelm the postives.
When the mechanism cannot be adequately retuned, then change the magnitude of those inputs to the mechanism that are actually causing the problem so that the mechanism can be adequately retuned.
When the mechanism's inouts cannot be adequately changed, design a new mechanism that will work better.
When the mechanism's design cannot be adequately changed, then either live with it as is, go where it is not required, or design new mechanisms that can adequately limit the consequences of the excessive positive or negative results of the original mechanism.
For Example:
If S causes 99% of T's results, and C causes 1% of T's results, and S cannot be fixed but C can be fixed, then design new mechanisms that adequately limit the consequences of T's results (e.g., better air conditioning mechanisms, stronger and/or better insulated buildings or barriers).