Global Warming...New Report...and it ain't happy news

Reply Thu 8 Apr, 2010 07:48 am
That is what happens when you come out of an Ice Age. The earth has glaciers for only 10% of the time.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 8 Apr, 2010 03:52 pm
As of December 20, 2007, more than 400 prominent scientists from more than two dozen countries have voiced significant objections to major aspects of the alleged UN IPCC "consensus" on man-made global warming.


Meteorologist Gary Shore, agreed with Waldenberger. "There's definitely global warming," Shore said on April 11, 2007. "No question about that. And it seems very likely that what we're doing has some part of that, some impact; but as to exactly how much of it is us and how much of it is other things, nobody knows," Shore explained. Waldenberger further commented, "But you know carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas just like water vapor, which is actually the most efficient greenhouse gas. And that's why we're actually 60 degrees warmer than we would be without water vapor in the air. So if you're talking about the greenhouse effect, that's very real, and we need it to survive. But as far as carbon dioxide concentrations increasing over the last 100 years, they have about 30 percent. And temperatures have increased about a degree on average across the entire globe over the last hundred years as well. So it seems to be a reasonable argument." "So the debate now goes into, well, what does that mean? Are things going to keep going in the direction that they're going or does increased carbon dioxide sort of fertilize the air and does that create more plants which in turn digest more carbon dioxide and create more oxygen? You know, there's a wide variety of ways we can go from here. So the debate then becomes: What do we need to do now?" he added. (LINK)

0 Replies
Reply Thu 8 Apr, 2010 04:54 pm


SI Tabulated Decreasing Trend










Average Annual Global Temperature 1850-2010

During the 100 year period, 1910 to 2010,
AND DECREASED LESS THAN 0.1°C (0.18°F) 2000 TO 2010.


# decimal average interpolated trend #days
# date (season corr)
1958 3 ..............................315.71

1959 3 ..............................316.71

1960 3 ..............................317.58

1961 3 ..............................318.54

1962 3 ..............................319.68

1963 3 ..............................319.86

1964 3 ..............................320.76

1965 2 ...............................320.44

1966 3 ..............................322.39

1967 3 ...............................323.04

1968 3 ..............................323.89

1969 3 ..............................325.64

1970 3 ..............................326.87

1971 3 ..............................327.18

1972 3 ..............................327.75

1973 3 ..............................330.30

1974 3 ..............................331.48

1975 3 ..............................331.85

1976 3 ..............................333.46

1977 3 ..............................334.97

1978 3 ..............................336.61

1979 3 ..............................338.13

1980 3 ..............................340.04

1981 3 ..............................341.57

1982 2 .............................341.69

1983 3 .............................343.45

1984 3 ............................345.29

1985 3 ............................347.49

1986 3 ............................347.88

1987 3 ............................349.56

1988 3 ............................352.22

1989 3 ............................353.64

1990 3 ............................355.49

1991 3 ............................357.00

1992 3 ............................357.73

1993 3 ............................358.26

1994 3 ............................359.67

1995 3 ............................361.60

1996 3 ...........................363.91

1997 3 ...........................364.25

1998 3 ...........................366.95

1999 3 ...........................369.46

2000 3 ..........................370.38

2001 3 ..........................372.39

2002 3 ..........................373.87

2003 3 ..........................376.51

2004 3 .........................378.88

2005 3 .........................380.91

2006 3 .........................382.65

2007 3 .........................384.42

2008 3 .........................385.96

2009 3 .........................388.77

2010 3 .........................391.06

0 Replies
Reply Fri 9 Apr, 2010 02:25 am
Are we going to enter a phase of another "global cooling scare, the sky is falling, we are all going to die" scare?


"December temperatures compared to average December temps recorded between 2000 and 2008. Blue points to colder than average land surface temperatures, while red indicates warmer temperatures.
From Miami to Maine, Savannah to Seattle, America is caught in an icy grip that one of the U.N.'s top global warming proponents says could mark the beginning of a mini ice age.

Oranges are freezing and millions of tropical fish are dying in Florida, and it could be just the beginning of a decades-long deep freeze, says Professor Mojib Latif, one of the world's leading climate modelers.

Latif thinks the cold snap Americans have been suffering through is only the beginning. He says we're in for 30 years of cooler temperatures -- a mini ice age, he calls it, basing his theory on an analysis of natural cycles in water temperatures in the world's oceans.

Latif, a professor at the Leibniz Institute at Germany's Kiel University and an author of the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, believes the lengthy cold weather is merely a pause -- a 30-years-long blip -- in the larger cycle of global warming, which postulates that temperatures will rise rapidly over the coming years.

At a U.N. conference in September, Latif said that changes in ocean currents known as the North Atlantic Oscillation could dominate over manmade global warming for the next few decades. Latif said the fluctuations in these currents could also be responsible for much of the rise in global temperatures seen over the past 30 years."

0 Replies
Reply Fri 9 Apr, 2010 12:50 pm
What happens when you get your "science" from Fox News, as okie does? You get crap.
As Mojib Latif ACTUALLY says:
Leading climate scientist challenges Mail on Sunday's use of his research
Mojib Latif denies his research supports theory that current cold weather undermines scientific consensus on global warming
A leading scientist has hit out at misleading newspaper reports that linked his research to claims that the current cold weather undermines the scientific case for manmade global warming.

Mojib Latif, a climate expert at the Leibniz Institute at Kiel University in Germany, said he "cannot understand" reports that used his research to question the scientific consensus on climate change.

He told the Guardian: "It comes as a surprise to me that people would try to use my statements to try to dispute the nature of global warming. I believe in manmade global warming. I have said that if my name was not Mojib Latif it would be global warming."

He added: "There is no doubt within the scientific community that we are affecting the climate, that the climate is changing and responding to our emissions of greenhouse gases."

A report in the Mail on Sunday said that Latif's results "challenge some of the global warming orthodoxy's most deeply cherished beliefs" and "undermine the standard climate computer models". Monday's Daily Mail and Daily Telegraph repeated the claims.

The reports attempted to link the Arctic weather that has enveloped the UK with research published by Latif's team in the journal Nature in 2008. The research said that natural fluctuations in ocean temperature could have a bigger impact on global temperature than expected. In particular, the study concluded that cooling in the oceans could offset global warming, with the average temperature over the decades 2000-2010 and 2005-2015 predicted to be no higher than the average for 1994-2004. Despite clarifications from the scientists at the time, who stressed that the research did not challenge the predicted long-term warming trend, the study was widely misreported as signalling a switch from global warming to global cooling.

The Mail on Sunday article said that Latif's research showed that the current cold weather heralds such "a global trend towards cooler weather".

It said: "The BBC assured viewers that the big chill was was merely short-term 'weather' that had nothing to do with 'climate', which was still warming. The work of Prof Latif and the other scientists refutes that view."

Not according to Latif. "They are not related at all," he said. "What we are experiencing now is a weather phenomenon, while we talked about the mean temperature over the next 10 years. You can't compare the two."

He said the ocean temperature effect was similar to other natural influences on global temperature, such as volcanos, which cool the planet temporarily as ash spewed into the atmosphere reflects sunlight.

"The natural variation occurs side by side with the manmade warming. Sometimes it has a cooling effect and can offset this warming and other times it can accelerate it." Other scientists have questioned the strength of the ocean effect on overall temperature and disagree that global warming will show the predicted pause.

Latif said his research suggested that up to half the warming seen over the 20th century was down to this natural ocean effect, but said that was consistent with the 2007 report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. "No climate specialist would ever say that 100% of the warming we have seen is down to greenhouse gas emissions."

The recent articles are not the first to misrepresent his research, Latif said. "There are numerous newspapers, radio stations and television channels all trying to get our attention. Some overstate and some want to downplay the problem as a way to get that attention," he said. "We are trying to discuss in the media a highly complex issue. Nobody would discuss the problem of [Einstein's theory of] relativity in the media. But because we all experience the weather, we all believe that we can assess the global warming problem."

Reply Fri 9 Apr, 2010 07:03 pm
What happens when you get your "science" from Fox News, as okie does?
What happens when you get your science from the wrong end of a shredding machine as MJ does ?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 9 Apr, 2010 08:28 pm
MontereyJack wrote:

What happens when you get your "science" from Fox News, as okie does?

Better than average, much better than the U.N. You might want to wake up the fact that climate has been politicized, MJ, and realize that you cannot expect to get accurate assessments from politicized so called "scientific organizations" by themselves, you must also consider other experts and scientists out there that are finding out and publishing interesting and pertinent information. Science is not the exclusive property of liberals for the sole purpose of furthering their agenda, sorry to inform you of that surprise.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 10 Apr, 2010 12:54 am
Your side are the ones that politicized it, okie, from a straightforward discussion of what the science shows, how it's going to impact our lives and our childrens', and what we need to do about it, to all the crap you throw in, the red herring that it's doomsday, which is not what anyone has said, the bullshit red herring that people are out to destroy the American economy and it;s all a plot to create a socialistic one world government. YOU are doing the politicizing.

And if you think Fox News is more reliable than Science or Nature or NASA or NOAA or AGU or NAS publications, then you are gullible and credulous beyond hope. Considering that Fox seems to take their coverage uncritically frrom the right wing denialist blogospere directly, often literally word-for-word, considering that blogosphere is mostly people who are apparently illiterate with respect to even basic chemistry, physics, and math, and considering the two you've cited, their coverage of Phil Jones and their coverage of Mojib Latif, where in both cases when you go back to the original sources, they are saying something that is pretty close to the exact opposite of what Fox News says they are saying, then, yes, Fox News is biased, clearly spin-driven, and crap science.
Reply Sat 10 Apr, 2010 08:30 am
from a straightforward discussion of what the science shows,
the above part of your sentence is science. The following part is politics.
how it's going to impact our lives and our childrens', and what we need to do about it,
So while you accuse the opposites of being political you couldnt write a sentence without showing how you had politicised it.

the red herring that it's doomsday, which is not what anyone has said,
green activists are saying exactly that.
all a plot to create a socialistic one world government
some on your side of the fence have said exactly that.

Fox News is biased, clearly spin-driven, and crap science.
yes but have they intimidated any scientists lately ....
Reply Sat 10 Apr, 2010 11:08 am
They have a good "No Spin Zone" feechewer Io. I see it fairly often. They had a lady last night trying to look tougher than O'Reilly. It was quite funny.

Have you seen that one on CBS where they say "Over to ABC" and this head comes on saying "ABC's off tonite I'm XYZ." I saw a series of them once with Dan Rather. It ended with "Over to XYZ" one night and ABC came on saying "XYZ's off tonite I'm ABC."
0 Replies
Reply Sun 11 Apr, 2010 03:53 pm
MontereyJack wrote:

Your side are the ones that politicized it, okie, from a straightforward discussion of what the science shows, how it's going to impact our lives and our childrens', and what we need to do about it, to all the crap you throw in, the red herring that it's doomsday, which is not what anyone has said, the bullshit red herring that people are out to destroy the American economy and it;s all a plot to create a socialistic one world government. YOU are doing the politicizing.

Obviously a false statement. It was politicized by leftists. Conservatives are only attempting to counter the politicization by injecting a more balanced scientific spectrum of scientific evidence, thinking, and reasoning. In other words, conservatives and balanced science attempts to consider all scientific possibilities other than the leftist view of things. Contrary to what you you may think, true science is never a tunnel visioned and preconditioned conclusion based upon biased information. Science should be a healthy collection of all of the evidence, not just a biased portion of it that supports a politicized and biased conclusion, which is what the leftist perspective agenda involves. And there is no organization such as the U.N. that should own or have exclusive property of a scientific conclusion or so-called consensus, especially when trumped up and false, that has enough merit to dictate earth shattering world economic policy to the detriment of people and nations.
High Seas
Reply Fri 16 Apr, 2010 10:20 am
Since you're the only geologist on this thread, Okie, could you pls tell me the approximate composition of the ash from the Icelandic volcano? Approximate quantity ejected already? I got altitude / jet stream / plume etc from satellite pics. Thanks.
Reply Wed 21 Apr, 2010 11:35 am

It is a fact that during the specific 90 year period, 1910 to 2000, CO2 ATMOSPHERIC DENSITY increased, SOLAR IRRADIANCE increased, and ANNUAL AVERAGE GLOBAL TEMPERATURE increased.

It is also a fact that during the specific 10 year period, 2000 to 2010, CO2 ATMOSPHERIC DENSITY increased, SOLAR IRRADIANCE decreased, and ANNUAL AVERAGE GLOBAL TEMPERATURE decreased.

These facts logically imply, SOLAR IRRADIANCE increases and decreases are likely to be the major causes of ANNUAL AVERAGE GLOBAL TEMPERATURE increases and decreases, and CO2 ATMOSPHERIC DENSITY increases are likely to be minor causes, if not negligible causes, of ANNUAL AVERAGE GLOBAL TEMPERATURE increases and decreases.

The Average and Mean Annual Global Temperatures increased less than 1°C (1.8°F) in the last 100 years, BUT in the last ten years this temperature trend has either leveled off or decreased, while the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere has annually increased over the same period.

Human caused emissions of CO2 into the earth’s atmosphere have caused a less than 0.1°C (0.18°F) increase in the average annual global temperature over the last 100 years.

As of December 20, 2007, more than 400 prominent scientists from more than two dozen countries have voiced significant objections to major aspects of the alleged UN IPCC "consensus" on man-made global warming.


Atmospheric scientist H. Michael Mogil, a 30-year veteran of NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), who is certified by the American Metrological Society and currently owns the "How the Weatherworks" consulting firm, questioned man-made global warming fears in 2007. "As a certified consulting meteorologist who has written extensively about weather, I am compelled to address the spate of stories that appear almost daily promoting climate fears," Mogil, who holds a masters degree in Meteorology, wrote in a commentary published on October 27, 2007 in the Napa Valley Register titled "Earth is Warming, but it's Not Our Fault." "Long-term climate studies show that the Earth goes through large- and small-scale weather and climate patterns. These are based on solar energy output and solar flare activity, wobbles of the Earth's rotation, changes in land locations (plate tectonics or continental drift, depending upon your age when the subject was taught), periodic melting and reformation of glaciers and much more. Humans are clearly affecting some of these typical variations, but we are not their cause," Mogil explained. "While the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and Al Gore claim that humans are almost certainly the cause of the changes, I disagree. The warming began as the last ice age waned some 500 years ago, not as humans started to industrialize," he wrote. "I'm not sure why so many of my meteorological colleagues who have similar feelings have not spoken up. Perhaps it is because the news media is presenting mostly a one-sided approach to the topic. So, in my new book, Extreme Weather, coming in November [2007], and in letters like this, I'm pushing for a more scientific examination of the evidence and a more balanced perspective," he concluded. (LINK)

0 Replies
Reply Sat 24 Apr, 2010 06:03 am
@High Seas,
That is a tough question to answer, as every volcanic ash eruption will differ. I just did what you probably have already tried, an internet search, but I did not come up with anything definitive. There are of course at least a couple of concerns, the damage and effects upon mechanical operations as in other jet aircraft due to the abrasive nature of the ash, and another concern is the effects upon the food chain due to the minerals contained in the ash, such as fluorine. The following link touches upon that concern.


Same thing with the quantity of ash, a quick search that I did could not turn up any number. I am sure there would be one with a more thorough search, and perhaps it will take more time to define it once the event is definitively over.
High Seas
Reply Sat 24 Apr, 2010 11:02 am
Thanks very much. I've been following the FAA updates for pilots and - since I only have a license for propeller planes - wasn't too worried about any jet engines as such, though it seems that particular volcano's ejecta could also harm props. The other danger mentioned on that website was the danger of plane windshield turning opaque after flying through a lot of that ash - somewhat analogous to what happens to car windshields with insects if driving on the freeway, but permanent.

Do you remember btw Mt St Helen's eruption - for some reason the ash from that one wasn't anywhere near as corrosive (or whatever the term for the little glass particles is) as what came out of Iceland. Tks again, esp. since thanks to your link I found out about the fluorine content, though it doesn't seem to be a danger for aviation.
Reply Sat 24 Apr, 2010 08:13 pm
@High Seas,
Fan jets are comparable to props, so I have been a bit puzzled as to why one could fly and not the other.
the danger of plane windshield turning opaque after flying through a lot of that ash
This is the equivalent of sandblasting a windscreen and was reported by the original incident investigators. Again, it is puzzling they let props fly if it was dangerous to fan jets. They both have windscreens, in fact the larger aircraft have tougher windscreens.
High Seas
Reply Sun 25 Apr, 2010 11:26 am
Yes as to the windscreens, but props are less endangered by glass particles in that latest volcano's plume because they don't require anywhere near as much air inflow as the jets, not to mention they also fly much more slowly, so leading edges of wings aren't quite as likely to get chipped. As I understood it the glass and other scratchy particles actually melt after they've gone into the back of the jet engine (i.e. damage isn't visible on inspection of the exterior upon landing) but if allowed to stay there they're sure to clog the engine completely. A NASA jet out of Edwards flying through an invisible volcanic cloud near Iceland a decade ago had no obvious damage on landing but when the back of the engines was examined with a bore camera of some sort the melted glass was found - all 4 engines had to be replaced / reconditioned at $1 million each.
Reply Sun 25 Apr, 2010 08:07 pm
@High Seas,
If they distinguished between turbo-props and piston driven props you might have an argument. The difference between the abrasion on a prop and a fan of a turbo fan is minimal. The fan in a large commercial aircraft is comparable in size and revs to a prop on a light aircraft. Your example cites a full jet engine which is very vulnerable and restricted to the military or small passenger jet aircraft like the Lear.

As for the speed of the aircraft, the faster also means it leaves the area quicker.
Reply Sun 25 Apr, 2010 09:25 pm
I think you will discover that the turbine and compressor blades in a fan jet, turboprop, and turboshaft as found in whirleyflopters pretty much run the same rpm. Our Army's OV-1 Mohawk turned up 25,000. I've never known a propeller designed for much over 2,100 rpm, and that is on relatively small craft.
Reply Sun 25 Apr, 2010 10:51 pm
I was referring to the "fan" part of a fan jet.

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